Chapter 7 - Guy Diamond

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A young Guy Diamond was walking with Biggie, Cooper, and Dennis. They were playing Simon Says

"Ok, Simon Says, pretend to climb a ladder!" Biggie said

Guy, Cooper, and Dennis pretended to climb a ladder

They saw King Peppy walk by. He looked upset and worried

"He's been like that since Poppy went missing. Hasn't he?" Dennis asked

"Yeah, he has. It's kind of sad to watch." Guy said

Biggie nodded

"We should go look for her!" Dennis said


"No! No way." Biggie said

"What? Biggie-"

"We can't! We don't even know where she is! And, it's dangerous outside of Troll Village!" Biggie said

Dennis, Cooper, and Guy looked at each other and sighed

"Fine." They said

"Now, lets go back and play Simon Says." Biggie said

"Biggie, look, I would, but I have to go check on King Peppy." Guy said

"And I'm going!" Cooper smiled

"Yeah! And I have to go help Satin and Chenille get their outfits." Dennis said

"Oh, well bye then." Biggie said

"Bye!" They smiled and went opposite directions


Guy and Cooper went over to King Peppy and sat next to him

Peppy looked to left and saw Guy

"Oh, hello you two. Did you need help finding your scooter?" Peppy asked as he smiled

They shook their head

"I just wanted to ask if you're ok. You've been down in the dumps since Poppy went missing." Guy told the king

Peppy looked away

"Hey, it's ok! She'll be back! You need to cheer up King Peppy! Hakuna Matata!" Guy smiled and helped him up

"Hakuna Mawhata?" Peppy asked confused

Song: Hakuna Matata (Lion King)

"Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase!" Guy sang

"Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze!" Cooper sang

They walked off with Peppy

"It means no worries, for the rest of your days.." Guy sang

"It's our problem free philosophy!" They both sang

"Hakuna Matata!" Guy sang

"Boys, this is nice, but I really should get going." Peppy said with a smile

"No!" Cooper yelled

"There's so much more to it." Guy told Peppy hopping on Coopers back

"Yeah!" Cooper smiled

"Why, when he was a little Troll." Guy sang with auto tune

"When I was a little Troll!!" Cooper sang with drama

"Very nice." Guy told him


"He was hosting party lack certain type of sweet. He could clear the place with single mistake." Guy sang

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