Chapter 17

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DJ ran to the others to tell them the truth about Creek. Did Creek betray Trollex or was it something else? She couldn't put her finger on it, but everyone had to know about Creek

"Guys! Guys! You need to hear this!" DJ said

"What?" Prince D asked

"I know it sounds crazy, but Trollex didn't betray Creek." DJ told them

"That's obscured. Creek told us he did." Hickory said

"He lied!" DJ said again

"How do you know that?" Branch asked

"I overheard him. He's gonna betray us all!!" DJ said

"Now you're being paranoid." Hickory said


"Dudes! Maybe she's right." Barb said

"You're only saying that because you're friends." Branch said

"Maybe I am, but shouldn't we at least question, Creek?!" Barb asked

"If he said, Trollex betrayed him maybe Creek is right." Smidge said

"I'm with everyone else guys. Sorry." Poppy said looking away

"Yeah, his story sounded to real to be a lie." Guy said

"Maybe you two are planning to betray us instead." Branch said

"ARE YOU NUTS?!!" Barb shouted.

"It's better to be safe." Branch said

"If you wanted to be "safe" you should listen to what Headphones is talking about." Barb told him

Branch stopped talking and looked away

Creek came over to them acting innocent

"What's going on?" He asked

"DJ's saying that you betrayed Trollex." Guy and Smidge said

"What? I would never. He betrayed me!" Creek said

"Yeah, we know that, so why are you lying DJ?" Branch asked


Poppy looked at DJ and Barb then at everyone else

"Let's just think positive about this." Poppy said

"No. Positivity won't get us anywhere." Branch said

"I agree with, Branch." Creek said


"You really need to cool your temper, mate." Creek smiled

"STOP SAYING MATE!!" Barb shouted

Creek looked at her and put his hands together


"I'M GONNA SNAP HIS NECK!!" Barb shouted and jumped at Creek

"GUYS!!" Branch and Hickory yelled

They both tried to remove Barb from Creek

"GET THIS PHYSCO OFF OF ME!!" Creek shouted as Barb was choking him

Hickory finally got Barb off of him

Branch helped Creek up as he tried to catch his breath. Branch looked at Barb

"ARE YOU NUTS?!!" He asked her


"You ok, Creek?" Poppy asked him

"I'll be alright." Creek said coughing into his arm

"You should leave, Barb." Branch said

"Fine. Better safe than sorry!" Barb said leaving

Creek watched her leave and smiled behind his arm. Poppy looked at him and he immediately stopped smiling

"You sure you'll be alright?" Poppy asked again

"Oh I will not." Creek said

DJ looked at them

"Fine, but you end up betrayed don't come crying to me." She said following Barb

Branch rolled his eyes and sat in a chair

"Now that the dramas over, what do we do now?" Prince D asked

"I'm not completely sure." Guy said

"Maybe play truth or dare?" Poppy suggested

"Nah." They said

"I'll be in my room." Creek said rubbing his neck

"Yeah, you rest up Creek." Hickory said

Creek nodded and went to his room


Creek arrived in his room and took something out from his hair. It was a tablet he had gotten from Lance and Raphael. He tapped the call button as both Lance and Raphael appeared

"Hey- what's Lance doing?" Creek asked

Raphael turned around and saw Lance in the corner playing with legos

"Being a child." Raphael said

"Oh, well anyway, I had a bit of inconvenience, but there guard is lowered, so you guys can come whenever you want." Creek said

"Great. How's tomorrow?" Raphael said

"Sounds great." Creek said

"Great! Hi Creek!" Lance said

"Hey, Lance." Creek said and hung up

Creek looked at his door and smiled

"It's only a matter of time." He said

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