Chapter 21

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It was dark out and everyone was sleeping, well except for Branch. He was sitting in a tree

He looked at his sleeping friends on the ground and got off the tree and grabbed his bag and walked away

Guy woke up and saw him leaving and followed him

"Branch? Where are you going?" He asked him rubbing his eye

"I'm going home." Branch answered taking a map from his bag

"What? But we were all gonna try to get home together!" Guy told him

"Like I said when we first escaped "A group will make us more vulnerable to ambushes. I'm going on my own now" and I'm sticking to that." Branch said walking away

Guy watched him leave and rubbed his arm and went back to the others and fell back asleep


DJ, Prince D, Smidge and Trollex woke up the next morning

"Wow! Alright first official day to find home again!" Trollex smiled

"Yeah, we just have to wait for everyone else to wake up including Branch." Smidge said

"Branch, isn't here." They heard Guy say

"What?" The four of them asked

"He left last night." Guy told them

"Why?" Prince D asked

"I don't know, he just did. He said it would make him less vulnerable." Guy told him

"That's stupid!" DJ said

"Maybe he had the right idea." Guy said

"Don't you live in the ocean, Trollex?" Smidge asked

"Well yeah." Trollex answered

"You could've left a long time ago!!" Guy said

"I know I could've, but then I wouldn't have become friends with you guys." Trollex said with a smile

"Awww." Prince D, Smidge, and DJ said

"You can go home by yourself. You don't need us." Guy said crossing his arms

Trollex stopped smiling and rubbed his arm

"I guess you're right, Guy, I'll just....leave." Trollex said

"Later!" Guy said walking away

Trollex left and went to closest body of water that led to the ocean

"GUY!!" The three of them yelled

"What?!" Guy asked

"Did you really have to tell him that?!" They asked

"Yes! He can find his own way home!! He doesn't need us!" Guy said

"I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!!" Barb yelled sitting up

"Well wake up! It's time to get up anyways!" Guy said

"Don't tell me what to do!" Barb told him

Guy looked away

"Hey, where's Branch and Trollex?" Poppy and Hickory asked

"Well they left." DJ said

"Why?!" Poppy asked

"Well, Branch, left by choice, and, Trollex, well Guy made him leave." Smidge said

"Why?!" Poppy asked again

"It would make him less vulnerable!! Maybe if we all split up we could get home quicker." Guy said grabbing his stuff walking away

"Maybe the Glitter Boy is right." Hickory said

"Not you too, Hickory." Poppy said

"Sorry, Poppy." Hickory said grabbing his stuff and left

Poppy sighed and looked at Prince D, Smidge, DJ, and Barb

"You guys won't leave, right?" Poppy asked them

"Of course we won't, Poppy." Smidge said

"Yeah! We'll stay with ya!" Prince D smiles

"Thanks, you guys are the best." Poppy said

They saw Barb packing up her things

"Where are you going?" Smidge asked

"Home?" Barb said

"Don't leave us to Barb!!" Poppy said hanging on her shirt as she was on the ground

"I'm just gonna-"

"DON'T LEAVE!!!" Poppy yelled pulling her down to her face

"O-ok! I won't!" Barb said dropping her stuff

"Yay!" Poppy smiled letting her go

Barb looked at her and took a step back

"So, who are we gonna take first?" Prince D asked

"I guess you." Smidge said

"Great!" Prince D smiled

"Let's just get him home already." Barb said crossing her arms

They all nodded and walked off with each other to take Prince D home

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