Chapter 9 - Creek and DJ Suki

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A young Creek was sitting by the river as he was meditating. He heard noises but blocked them out

Cooper ran by with DJ and Aspen playing Squish Ball

Cooper threw a Squish Ball at Aspen, but he dodged and it hit Creek

Creek opened his eyes and looked at three

"Oh, oops sorry about that Creek." Aspen said

"Yeah! You were just in the way!" Cooper smiled

"I wasn't in the way. Everyone knows I always meditate around these parts on this gorgeous Sunday." Creek smiled

"Yeah, but well we're playing Squish Ball." DJ said

"Go play somewhere else. I'm busy." Creek said sitting back down to meditate

"You're busy sitting down?" Cooper asked

"No! Just- fine I'll go somewhere else." Creek said standing up and left


Creek sat at table and saw several Trolls getting ice cream. Creek sighed and looked at the clouds and saw a cloud transform into Poppy

He missed her, she just disappeared one night. Maybe if Poppy was still in Troll Village, Creek would be having fun with his friends.

Biggie sat next to him

"Hello, Creek." He smiled

"Hey, Biggie." Creek said back

"Have you seen Guy and Smidge? They just disappeared." Biggie said

"I haven't seen them. Well I saw, Smidge, but that was last week." Creek told him

"Everyone's just going missing all of a sudden." Biggie said

Creek nodded to agree

"But the kidnappers haven't gone for any other Trolls. It's just them." Creek noted


DJ, Cooper, Satin and Chenille ran by as they were jamming to DJ's remix

"That was the best thing I've heard since yesterday!" Satin smiled

"Uh-huh! You know it!" DJ said

"Hello, friends." Creek said going over to them with Biggie

"Hi, Creek!" They said back

"What were you and Biggie doing?" Chenille asked him

"We were just talking." Creek told them

He put his hand on Biggie's arm

"Right, Biggie." Creek smiled

"Yup! We sure-"

Biggie fell to the ground as he fell asleep

They all just looked at him

"IS HE DEAD?!!" Cooper shouted

Creek went by Biggie and put his ear against his chest

"No, he's breathing." Creek said standing back up

"Phew." They sighed

"Well I should get going, friends. It is getting awfully late." Creek told them

The snackpack looked at the sky

"No it's not." Satin said

"It's still the middle of the afternoon." Chenille said

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