Chapter 24

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Branch and them looked around a corner and didn't see anyone

They all looked at DJ

"Alright, DJ, see if you can find Trollex's dad." Poppy said

DJ nodded

She took out her headphone jack and it went inside the wall

She heard people singing but she didn't hear anyone needing help

"I can't find him." DJ said

"WHAT?!" Trollex asked

"I can't find him." DJ said again

"Let's keep looking. We'll find him." Branch said

Trollex, Branch, Hickory, and Barb went ahead of Poppy and DJ

DJ's headphone jack went back inside her headphones

Poppy helped her up and they slowly followed them

"You ok?" Poppy asked her

"Yeah, we'll find his dad. I hope." DJ said

"We will! And if your headphone jack is busted, then we'll find another way." Poppy smiled

DJ looked at her and smiled

They caught up with the others

Branch held up his hand for them to wait

He looked around the corner

Barb rolled her eyes and leaned against the wall

Branch didn't see anyone as he motioned everyone to move

They walked carefully behind Branch except Barb she just went ahead of them

"BARB!!" Branch said to her

"Relax, dude, nobody's here." She said

"THAT'S WHAT THEY WANT US TO THINK!!" Branch whisper shouted

Barb shrugged and walked ahead

Branch groaned and followed her with Trollex, Hickory, Poppy, and DJ


They went to another hallway and surrounded DJ so she could try to find Trollex's dad again

"You hear anything?" Hickory asked

"Yeah actually." She said

Trollex kneeled next to her

"Is it dad?" He asked

"I think so." DJ said

Branch put his goggles on a saw people coming towards them

"We'll look for him meanwhile let's hide!" Branch said as they jumped into a room and he locked the door

They heard footsteps go past them as they were all quiet

Hickory carefully opened the door just enough for him to see

"Is there anyone out there?" Poppy and Branch asked

Hickory looked to his left and right

"No, it's all clear." Hickory said

They came out of the room and looked at DJ

"Where's dad?" Trollex asked

"Well from what I heard, he's two hallways down." DJ said

"Left or right?" Branch asked

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