Chapter 20

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Branch and Trollex exited the room they were both in and carefully walked around the building to find their friends. Branch looked at Trollex and opened a bottle of water

Trollex used his mind to manipulate the water and shot it the guards knocking them out. Trollex our the water back in the bottle

Branch put the cap back on the bottle and sealed it up putting it in his hair

Trollex crossed his arms and smiled proudly

Branch snatched him as they ran out of the hall

They both saw vents

Branch put his finger on his chin to think

"You got an idea?" Trollex asked him

"Yeah, do you think you can somehow get us up there?" Branch asked

"No way, Branch, sorry." Trollex said

His eyes lit up

"Actually yeah!"

"Really?!" Branch smiled

"Yeah! Now!" Trollex grabbed Branch's arm and threw him at the vent

Branch punched the vent open and reached his arm out for Trollex

Trollex grabbed his hand and crawled into the vent with him


Barb and DJ jumped over the fence to go and find their friends

"Ok, so where do you think they could be?" Barb asked

"My guess would be is that they would be at that obvious building." DJ said pointing at it

Barb grabbed her arm and zoomed to the building


Branch and Trollex came out of the vents and fell on two people


"Barb?! DJ?!"

"Oh, it's you." Barb said crossing her arms

"Listen, I should've listened to you guys! Now we're in this mess and have to find everyone to get home!" Branch said

"Dang :O" Trollex said

"Fine, we came to help you guys anyway." DJ said

"We did?" Barb asked

They all looked at her

"Oh yeah! We did!"

"Now lets go save our friends!" Trollex said

"Yeah!" They all said

Barb grabbed them and they held onto each other as she zoomed off


They got to a different part of the building and saw Prince D with something on his hands and Guy on the floor next to him

"Yikes! You guys look awful." Barb teased

"Yeah, it's nice to see you too." Guy said

"Can you just get us out of these things?!" Prince D asked

"Oh right!" Branch said

He went over to them with Trollex and helped them get out of their cuffs

"Thanks, Braaannnccchhh." Guy said with auto tune

"Thanks, Trollex." Prince D said

"It was nothing." Trollex smiled

"Anyway! Let's just find the others and leave." Barb said growing impatient

"Oh! Right!" They said

They grabbed each other and Barb zoomed off to the others


They found Poppy and Smidge and let them out

"Now we just need Hickory." Branch said

"Yeah! So just hop on and let's go!" Barb smiled

They grabbed onto each other and they zoomed out of the room


They found Hickory and let him out

"How'd you get past Creek?" Hickory asked

"Huh?" Branch asked

An explosion was heard behind them as Creek and Lance came out of the smoke

"Leaving so soon?" Creek asked and charged at them

Trollex shot the water from the bottle as it flew at Creek

Creek slid under it and kicked Trollex on the ground and looked at the others

"You have future vision!! HOW'D YOU NOT SEE THIS COMING?!" Barb asked

"IT DOESN'T ALWAYS WORK!! Branch yelled back

"Will you two stop arguing! We have a Creek!" Hickory said


"OH MAH GAH!!!!!!!!" Smidge yelled and stomped on the ground

Creek fell in the ground as it collapsed

"Oh." Poppy said looking at the hole he fell in

"GLITTER!!" Guy yelled farting glitter on them

They all looked at him

Barb charges at him


Hickory held her back


They were outside and went back to the forest to find a way home

"You alright, Trollex?" Poppy asked

"Yeah! I'll be alright. I'M JUST SO GLAD TO BE BACK WITH MY FRIENDS!!" Trollex said hugging Poppy

"Yay!!" Poppy hugged him back

Hickory and Branch looked at them

"So, do you want to go home first?" Branch asked Hickory

"I suppose so, but what's the rush." Hickory said

Branch smiled at that

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