Chapter 14

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Branch was sitting on a tree log somewhere with Cybil. He wanted to asked her something, but he was sure she'd make fun, but he decided to finally ask



"Do you know about those kids who mysteriously went missing?" Branch asked her

"Yeah! I'm with on now." She smiled

"Wait. You know?!" He asked again

"Yup! And I think you should go back to your friends." Cybil said

Branch looked away and crossed his arms

"I don't have friends." He said

"Of course you do. It's those Trolls who helped you escape." Cybil said

Branch looked at her and sighed

"I don't even know where they are." Branch said

"You'll find a way, and when you do. Go over here." Cybil said handing him a paper

He looked at it and back at Cybil

"Thank you." Branch smiled

He got up to leave

"Wait, I have to ask-"

He turned around and didn't see her

"Cybil?" He looked around for her


The Trolls were at a lake swimming since they were taking the day to relax

Trollex, Guy, Prince D, DJ, Barb, and Smidge were playing in the water. Creek was meditating. Poppy was scrapbooking, and Hickory was watching them

"Hey, Hickory! Check this out!" Poppy smiled

"What is it?"

Hickory went over and sat next to her

She handed it to  him

"You're the best person ever! Let's be friends! Yay!" A scrapbooked Poppy said

It sprayed glitter in his face

"Cute." Hickory smiled

"So, can we be friends?!" Poppy smiled

"I thought we already were friends." He said

Poppy's eyes lit up

"Yay!" She hugged him

A ball then hit Creek in the face

"Ow! Watch where you're playing." Creek said throwing it at Trollex

"Sorry!" DJ and Smidge said

They then heard the bushes move

Trollex made a bubble of water and Prince D summoned electricity. Smidge got her fists ready and Guy got ready to blind the person

Branch came out of the bushes and everyone went to attack

Branch looked at them

They immediately stopped

"Hey! It's the grey boy!" Barb smiled

"It's, Branch." He reminded

"Eh. Same thing." Barb said going to sit down

"Branch! I haven't seen you since we escaped! What are you doing here?" Poppy asked him

"I just thought you'd need help getting home." Branch said

He then remembered the paper Cybil gave him

"Oh! Someone I met said we should stay at this place if we want to be safe." Branch said

"Uh-huh. Yeah, and who would this "someone" be, Branch?" Creek asked

"It doesn't matter, but let's go check this place out." Branch said walking away

They all looked at each other and followed him


They entered a sewer. Branch found a door and opened it and there was a kitchen, and living room, and even several bedroooms.

"OH SICK!!" Barb shouted running off with Smidge and DJ

Branch used his hair to bring them back

"Ok, before we do anything, we need to decide who's staying in which room." Branch said looking at the paper Cybil gave him

"UGH!! YOU'RE SO BORING!!" Barb said

"Anyway! Poppy should take the first for to right." Branch said

"Great!" Poppy smiled

"And Barb-"

"I'm picking my own room." Barb said crossing her arms walking away

DJ and Smidge followed her

"Trollex, Darnell. You guys share a room." Branch said

"Sick." Prince D said going to a room with Trollex


"I'm going to let nature pick a room for me, mate." Creek said walking off

Branch sighed

"Guy, you take the second room to the left." Branch said

"Great." Guy said walking off

"Hickory, first room to the left."

"Nice." Hickory said walking off

"I wonder what grandma would think, but that doesn't matter. We'll all be back home with our families. That's the only thing that matters." Branch said

He went to a room to lay down

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