Chapter 19

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Branch woke up in a cell by himself. Where were Hickory and the others? Was Trollex here? Did Creek bring them to this place?

He looked around for an escape or an answer or both. He looked up and saw bars. If he didn't make Barb and DJ leave they wouldn't be in this mess. He should've just listened to them

"Branch?" He heard someone call

He turned around and saw Trollex in a cell in front of him

"Trollex? You've been here the entire time?" Branch asked

"Yeah, it was Creek! I should've known to never turn my back!" Trollex said

"Do you know where the others are?" Branch asked

"Yeah, I saw them bring Poppy and Smidge earlier." Trollex told him

"We need to get out of here!!" Branch said

"How?" Trollex asked

"I just-"

Creek came in the room stopping them from talking

"Branch, mate! I see you two have reunited." He said

"Why are you doing this Creek?! We could home!" Branch said

"I just feel like I should get to go home instead of you all." Creek said

"YOU SON OF A!!" Branch shot his hair at him around his neck

Creek tried to get his hair off of him

Branch let go

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!!" Branch yelled

"Your friends left! They always slacked! And, oh! Let's not forget DJ and Barb! You wouldn't listen when you should've." Creek said

Song: Creek Knows Best

Inspired By: Mother Knows Best (Reprise) (Tangled)

"They were better than you ever were!" Branch said

"Better than me? Please, mate, that's demented. This is why you should've stayed away. Mate, this whole plan you've created, just proves you're to smart to stay with them. How are they better? Come on now, really? Look at them! You think they would follow through? Don't be a dummy! Come with Creeky! Creek-"

"No!" Branch said

"No? Oh, I see how it is." Creek said

Branch looked at him confused

"Branch knows best. Branch's so smart now. Such a clever grown-up sir. Branch knows best. Fine, if you're so sure now, go ahead and show them this!!" Creek sang

He threw the paper Cybil gave him

"How did you-"

"This is why they followed! Don't let them deceive you! Show it to them, watch, you'll see!" Creek said

Branch continued to look at him losing faith in his friends

"Trust me, my friend! That's how fast they'll leave you! I won't say I told you so- no, Branch knows best! So, if he's a genius! Go ahead and ask them yourself!! If they're lying! Don't come crying! Creek knows best!" Creek sang

Creek left the cells and slammed the door


Barb and DJ were walking through the forest trying to get home or at least find a place to stay for a while

DJ felt bad about what had happened before and stopped walking

Barb heard her feet stop and stopped herself

"Something wrong?" She asked

"We have to go back." DJ said

"What? Why?" Barb asked

"I know something happened. We have to go check!" DU said

"Ugh! Fine, we'll go and check on them and I'm sure everything's just fine." Barb said


They both arrived back in the sewer and saw everything ruined. There was a bunch of rocks on the ground, the kitchen was destroyed, and parts of it was blown up

"Yeah, just fine huh?" DJ asked

"Shut it! What even happened here?" Barb asked

"I'm not sure. Wait!."

Barb looked at her

DJ took a radio from her hair and put it on the table

"I left a few bugs here just in case something would go down. Now we just gotta listen." DJ said

Barb sat in a chair as they listened to the radio

"You got them that quick?" They heard Lance ask

"It's all about stealth and manipulation." Creek smiled

"Sweet. Wait! Weren't there two more?" Raphael asked

"Yeah, but they're long gone by now." Creek said

"Ok, I'll trust you." Raphael said

It was nothing but static. DJ put the radio back in her hair

"How are we gonna find them?" Barb asked

"Wouldn't they be over at that place they took us?" DJ asked

"Oh yeah!" Barb smiled

She grabbed DJ's arm and zoomed off with her


Trollex reaches his hands through the bars to pick the lock, he took out a toothpick and put into the lock and unlocked the cell and floated out

"Trollex?! You got out?! How?!" Branch asked

"I'll explain that later! Let's get you out of here." Trollex said picking Branch's cell to let him out

Branch walked out

"Now let's go find the others." Branch smiled

Trollex nodded and they left to find their friends

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