Chapter 16

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Back in the sewer, Branch was talking to DJ and Barb in a separate room from the others

"So, what do you think they're talking about?" Poppy asked

"I'd say they're talking about earlier." Hickory said

"....oh." Poppy looked away

"Meanwhile, MONOPOLY!!" Guy smiled putting the board on the table

"YEAH!!" Everyone but Hickory yelled


Branch walked back and forth

"What were you both thinking?! You could've gotten hurt out there." Branch said

"Geez sorry, dad!" Barb teased

"Dad?! I'm nobody's dad!" Branch said

"Geez my bad. It was just a joke." Barb told him

"Yeah, learn to take a joke, Branch." DJ said

"Jokes are a waste of time. We could be half way home already if you guys weren't......GOOFING OFF!!" Branch shouted

"Right, right, goofing off. Yeah, you mean the only fun thing to do here." Barb said with sarcasm

"Maybe you guys shouldn't always treat everyday like a gift." Branch said

"How come?" DJ asked

Branch shut his mouth and looked at them

"It doesn't matter. Just don't do anything stupid." Branch said leaving the room

"Yikes." Barb said standing up


Branch went over to Trollex and Creek with a sheet of paper

"Guys, I need you to do something." Branch said

"What's up, Branch?" Trollex asked

"I need you to both go and get something." He said

"Like what?" Creek asked

"I need you to both find a map and a compass." Branch said

"That's it?" Trollex asked


"Consider it done, mate." Creek said leaving with Trollex


Creek and Trollex began to look out of the sewer for the compass and map

"Now if I were a compass, where would I be?" Trollex asked himself

"In someone's pocket." Creek said

"POCKET!!" Trollex smiled

"Yeah, pocket mate. I just said that." Creek said

"Touché." Trollex said

He looked around


Creek facepalmed and went to a town with Trollex


Trollex and Creek arrived in the town and went to a town to buy a compass

"Now we just need a map." Creek said


They went around town and asked around for a map. Nobody had one. Creek and Trollex began to lose hope till they heard someone talking about maps

"And that's Troll Village. I think." The person said

"WHERE SIR!!" Trollex said appearing in a seat

"Right there." He said pointing on the map

"Can we borrow the map?" Trollex asked

"For how long?" He asked him

"Till we split up or time with it." Creek said

"Fine." The man said sliding it to them

"YES!!" Trollex smiled and left with Creek


"Man, Branch is gonna FLIP when he finds out we got everything so quick." Trollex smiled

"You mean when he finds out I got everything so quickly." Creek smiled

Trollex looked at him confused

"What? It was a team effort." Trollex said

"Exactly, WAS a team effort." Creek smiled

Trollex continued to look at him trying to process what was happening. When he finally did he tried to get away but Creek touched his back making Trollex go unconscious

Creek picked up the compass and the map and put his wrist up to his face

"Yeah, I got him." He said speaking into his wrist


Creek arrived back at the sewer and looked around and saw everyone doing their usual till Branch came up to him

"Did you get them?!" Branch asked

"You got it, mate." Creek said handing them to Branch

"Thanks! Wait where's Trollex?" Branch asked again

"Oh! It was awful, Branch!!" Creek said being dramatic

"What?" He asked again

"W-we were on way back. Till he just ATTACKED me!!" Creek lied

"He betrayed you?!" Branch asked

Creek nodded

"What's going on?" Smidge, Hickory, Guy, and Prince D asked

"Trollex betrayed Creek." Branch said

"WHAT?!!" They all asked shocked

"There's no waaayyyy!" Guy said with auto tune

"I'm afraid it's true." Creek said

"Go ahead and rest, Creek." Hickory said

Creek nodded and walked away from them


Creek went in his room and smiled as he laid on his bed

"Won't be long now." He said

Song: The Ugly Betrayal

Inspired By: The Uglier Truth (Ugly Dolls)

"Friends." Creek said getting off his bed

"I'll crush them all, destroy their way home." Creek sang

He opened his closet

"To save my perfect partnership, nothing's to extreme." Creek sang

"And I know how to do it, without losing the act. Plan it so foul, powerful, despicable, nasty!" Creek sang

He looked in his mirror in his closet and smiled

"And they'll never see the ugly betrayal." Creek sang closing the closet


DJ was on the other side of the wall with her headphone jack in the wall and heard everything Creek said. She pulled her head back and fell on the floor as her headphone jack went back into her headphones

"I gotta tell everyone about this." She said getting up running to the others

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