Chapter 10

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Months later Poppy was walking around the building that Lance and Raphael brought her to. She saw a grey Troll and went over to him

"Hi! I'm Poppy." She smiled sitting next to him

He looked at her

"Branch." He said back and crossed his arms and looked down at the table

Poppy cleared her throat

"So, what are you in for." She joked trying to start a conversation

"It doesn't matter. Soon, I'll get out of here and I can be with my grandma again." Branch said reading a book about escape tactics

"Who's your grandma?" Poppy asked

Branch sighed annoyed

"Rosiepuff!!" Branch said

"Rosiepuff?!! Oh, she makes such great desserts!" Poppy smiled

"Yeah, she does. Now if you don't mind, I'm trying to read-"

The book flew out of his hands and landed on the floor

"OH COME ON!!" He shouted

A Troll appeared on the table they were at

"I think you dropped something." She said

Branch looked back at her

"You don't say." He said back as his eye twitched

"Hi! I'm Poppy!" Poppy introduced

"Names, Barb." She said back

"Oooh, nice name." Poppy smiled

"What's that dudes name?" Barb asked mentioning Branch

"Oh, him? I think he said it was Twig, Sticks, or Leif." Poppy smiled

"It's, Branch." Branch said crossing his arms

"Oh yeah!"

"Well, Twig and Popcorn, me and my friends are out back if you want to come." Barb said

"Sweet!" Poppy left with Barb

Branch sighed and followed


Trollex, Hickory, and Prince D were out back as they were listening to Trollex's remix

Barb came over to them with Poppy and Branch

"Hey, guys." Barb said as she casually waved

"Hi, Barb!" They smiled

Trollex stopped the music and waved

"Who are they?" Prince D asked

"I haven't seen them around here before." Hickory said

"This is Poppy and Branch." Barb said

"Hi!" Poppy waved

Branch didn't say anything

"Hi!" Trollex waved with a smile

"So were you guys taken from your homes to." Branch asked with no emotion

"Yes!" Prince D and Barb said with a smile

"I came here by choice!" Trollex smiled

"Me too." Hickory said holding up his hand

"Have you guys ever wanted to go back home?" Branch asked again

"I do miss my parents." Prince D admitted

"Yeah, me too. I miss my dad." Barb said crossing her arms

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