Chapter 12

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Later that same night, Branch and the others were getting in there positions. Branch and Hickory were looking out for any guards coming and didn't see any

Branch looked at DJ and gave her the signal

DJ nodded and connect her headphone jack into her headphones and put it into the ground

"Well?" Hickory asked

"It's clear. No wait. Wait actually-"

"Is someone coming or not?!" Branch asked

"Nah! I just wanted to mess with you." DJ said

"We don't have time for games!! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE IF WE WANT TO GET HOME!!" Branch yelled

"Geez, sorry man." DJ told him

"You're really grumpy." Barb told Branch

"You and Poppy just go and find something useful." Branch said crossing his arms

"Aye aye!" Barb smiled

She grabbed Poppy's arm and zoomed off with her

"You go ahead Guy, and be sneaky about it." Branch told him

Guy smiled and ran off


"You guys get ready." Branch told Trollex and Prince D

They looked at each other and smiled

Guy glew and blinded the guards

Trollex got water and Prince D shot electricity at it as they threw them over

Smidge and Creek ran down

Smidge stomped her foot on the ground making an earthquake knocking down the guards. Creek touched their backs and they fell asleep

"Better luck next time, mate." Creek told them and ran off with Smidge


Poppy and Barb were sneaking around the alleyways

"So! What were you like back at your home?" Poppy asked

Barb looked at her and sighed

"A troublemaker. A HUGE troublemaker!" Barb told her

"Wow! What did you do that made you such a troublemaker?" Poppy asked again

"I kind of did graffiti and always got chased around." Barb said

"Wow! Sound nice." Poppy smiled

"Oh, it's tons of fun!" Barb told her

"I bet. Did you have any friends?" Poppy asked again

Barb didn't answer

Poppy looked ahead and ran to another alleyway with Barb

They saw some scroll and Poppy grabbed it

"Do you think this could be useful?" Poppy asked

"Who cares? Let's just get out of here." Barb said

Poppy put the scroll in her hair

Barb grabbed her arm and they zoomed off back to Branch and the others


Branch saw them and saw a few guards behind them

"Hickory!" Branch called

Hickory looked and saw the guards behind them and used his sonic scream to blasted the guards away

"Whoa! Watch it you could've blasted us off." Barb said

"Well you didn't!" DJ smiled

Barb rolled her eyes and followed Trollex and Guy down the other side of the wall

The others followed them and got over the wall

They saw the trees and continued to stare

"So, where do we go now, Branch?" Poppy asked

"We go home." Branch said leaving the group

"But wait! We don't even know where home is!" Creek said

Branch stopped walking

"If we're gonna get home we might as well stick together." Trollex and Prince D said

"No, a group will make us more vulnerable to ambushes. I'm going on my own now." Branch said walking away again

"We should set up camp somewhere in the forest." Hickory said

Everyone nodded and followed Hickory

Poppy watched Branch leave rubbing her arm

DJ looked at the group and ran over to Poppy

"You alright?" She asked her

"He can stay with us. I want to get home and see dad, but I also think traveling in a group is better than being alone." Poppy said

"I see your point. Lets just let him do what he wants. Come one." DJ said nudging her

Poppy looked at her and smiled and they caught up to the group


Hickory made a fire as everyone laid on the grass

"How can you all stand to sleep on grass like this?!" Guy asked

"Calm yourself, Diamond. Grass is mother nature's greatest gift." Creek smiled

"Ew." Barb looked away and tried to sleep

"Hey! Maybe there's a town nearby!" DJ said

"Yeah! Maybe in the morning we can go and get supplies!" Smidge said

"That's a good idea!" Prince D smiles

"Yeah!" Poppy and Trollex said

"Alright! First thing in the morning we'll go to a nearby town and get some supplies." Hickory said

"With what money?" Barb asked sitting up

"Oh! Right I forgot we have to pay for things." Poppy said

"Lucky for you all, I never go anywhere without some change." Creek said bringing coins out of his hair

"Whoa!" Trollex smiled

"LETS JUST SLEEP!! I'm tired." Barb said laying her head against a rock to sleep

"She's right. I'm sure after some sleep everything will be just fine." Poppy smiled

Everyone nodded to agree and laid down to sleep

Trollex went into the lake to sleep


Branch set a campfire and laid next to it. He took a picture of his grandma out of his hair and looked at it

"I'll be home soon, grandma." Branch said

He put the picture back in his hair and drifted off to sleep

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