Chapter 3 - Trollex

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A young Trollex swam around the Techno Reef with a friend of his and they were talking about things like Trollex's powers

"So, if you can control water, how come you haven't tried lifting the whole ocean?" His friend asked

"I think my dad would get REALLY mad if I did." Trollex said

"True, but their YOUR powers. You should be able to do anything you want with them." His friend said

Trollex thought about that

"I mean.....I guess you're right." Trollex said

He looked back at his friend

"But, my dad told me that there's these people going around snatching little Trolls who have powers! What if they take me from my dad?" Trollex said rubbing his arm

His friend looked at him

"Don't worry Trollex! They won't take you. I can promise that! I think."

"Thanks, Jerry." Trollex smiled hugging his friend

He hugged him back

"Well! I should get going." Jerry said

"Yeah, see you tomorrow!" Trollex said

Jerry swam off as Trollex waved


Trollex swam back home and went to his room and sat on his bed

"Maybe, if I found a way to stay away from those guys, I could show my dad I don't need to be cooped up in here!" Trollex smiled

Song: No Need For This

Inspired By: Part Of Your World (The Little Mermaid)

"All of these things, they're really great. Some times I think I could have more. I could have more than I have." Trollex sang as he looked at his stuff

He took off his jacket and put it away

"Look at this trove, amazing items. How many wonders could this sea have?" Trollex asked in song and swam around his room going to his DJ set as TBDB followed

"Looking at these things you think, sure, he's got everything." Trollex sang

TBDB looked at him

"I've got records and figures a-plenty! I've got jackets and headphones! You want to wear them?" Trollex asked handing them to TBDB

Then he took them back

"It doesn't matter, no big deal, I want more!" Trollex sang sticking his head out of his window

"I wanna be where I can be myself. I wanna try, wanna try out my powers! With those Trolls out there being me with no consequences." Trollex sang

He looked at TBDB and he looked at him

"Over in here, I have to be careful. Watch out for my powers and not able to use them! Out there I can be me and use them." Trollex sang

"Up where they won't be locked, up where they won't be feared, up where I can be myself. Who's stopping me? There's no need for this." He sang

He grabbed his jacket and put it on then swam out of the window

TBDB followed him

"Trollex wait a sec-"

"What would I give if I could be myself anywhere? What would I pay just to get out of here?" Trollex sang looking up

"Bet'cha up on land they'd understand they don't tell there sons to hide what makes them special." Trollex sang

He looked back at TBDB

"Bright little boys, sick of hiding. Ready to shine!" Trollex sang

"I'm ready to go ahead and be me!! Tell 'em all and make some friends!! What could they do? Would they go ahead and run? Bet they won't!" Trollex sang

"You don't know much about the land." TBDB told him

"When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, love to go ahead and show what makes me me! I don't have to be here. No need for this." Trollex sang as he finished

"Let's go TBDB, we don't have to be here! We can go and be ourselves!" Trollex smiled

"But your stuff." TBDB reminded

"Oh! Right!" Trollex looked behind TBDB and pointed forward

His stuff came to them and they swam off as Trollex's stuff followed them


They got on land and began to look around

"Do you think dads noticed we're gone?" Trollex asked TBDB

"No! Of course not!" TBDB said with sarcasm

"Great!" Trollex said as he went forward with his stuff

TBDB sighed and followed him

Trollex looked around and saw a caterbus

"Maybe they can help!" Trollex smiled pointing forward

"I don't know." TBDB said growing uncertain

The caterbus and stopped and opened and Raphael and Lance appeared

"Hey kid!" Lance waved

"Hi!" Trollex waved back

"What are you doing out here all by yourself?" Raphael asked

"I'm out here because my dad won't allow me to use my powers. So, I just left to be myself!" Trollex smiled

"Really?" Lance asked

"Come with us! There are several kids like you. There's this school, where we teach kids to use there powers." Raphael said

"Wow really?! Ok!" Trollex smiled and went in the caterbus with TBDB and his stuff

The caterbus closed and left. TBDB didn't know if he could trust Raphael or Lance but if Trollex did, then he did to

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