Ateez Wooyoung angst/smut imagine

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Warnings ⚠️ angst and smut, cursing, choking, unprotected sex.

Word count: 1033

"Artificial love, nothing more. Breathe in. Breathe out. Don't break.

Feel, touch and break."

The words you kept repeating in your head right now. Breathe in, breathe out, dont break. The situation you were in was killing you. You were fighting with Wooyoung and it was all getting worse with each word that passed both of your lips.

At first Wooyoung was the best boyfriend you could ask for, but now he was like a whole different person. He went out often and partied. He would come home drunk, he didn't go on dates with you anymore, heck you haven't had a proper conversation with him in a long time.

You finally got tired of his attitude and decided to confront him which lead to a big fight with shouting and throwing things across your apartment. You've never seen Wooyoung so mad, but then again you were as mad as him.

"I dont see whats your point right now?" Wooyoung shouted while glaring at you. Wow so he doesn't even listen to me at all? You thought as you felt anger boiling through your whole body, you were getting really tired of his bullshit.

"My fucking point is that you dont pay attention to me anymore. When was the last time we went on a date or even fucking talked?" You screamed as your face turned red from anger.

"Wow y/n you're so desperate for my attention? Well I deserve some fucking personal space. Im tired of you always nagging. Im fucking tired of you!" Wooyoung screamed as he looked at you with a disgusted look. These are the words you never expected to hear from him.

"Im tired of you too Wooyoung, lets break up." You said and walked out to your bedroom slamming the door, making Wooyoung flinch. After a good five minutes Wooyoung walked into your shared bedroom to see you packing your stuff furiously.

"And what the fuck do you think you're doing? You cant break up with me, im too good for that, im too good for you." Wooyoung said with a smirk as he approached you slowly.

"I can do whatever the fuck i want and you're not that great Wooyoung." You said as you turned away from him to pack your last stuff. Breathe in, breathe out, dont break you repeated to yourself again. When you zipped up your suitcase, he pushed it off the bed aggressively making you turn around.

"What the fuck are you doi-" you couldn't finish your sentence as Wooyoung pushed you on the bed, climbing on top of you and kissing you aggressively. As much as you wanted to push him away, you couldn't. Something about him made you feel addicted to him.

The kiss grew even more passionate before both of you broke away to gasp for air, but Wooyoung didn't even let you breathe, kissed your neck before slowly starting to suck on it and bite slightly, from your neck to your collarbone he marked you up with hickeys.

When he was done he looked up at you and groaned. The sight of your swollen red lips and purple marks all over your neck was like piece of art to him. These were the times where you seemed the most gorgeous to him.

He pulled off his shirt and took off yours too along with your bra. The sight made his dick to grow even harder. As you ran your hands from his chest to his abs, goosebumps started to form on his body and you smirked at the affect you have on him.

Wasting no time he pulled off his pants and his boxers. After that he tapped on your hips signaling for you to lift them up so he could take off your jeans and panties. He sighed at the sight of you completely naked, before spreading your legs and diving between your legs, earning a low moan from you.

As he started to swirl his tongue around your wet core you moaned louder this time and took a hold of his hair tugging at it slightly, that made Wooyoung hum against your pussy, which caused even bigger pleasure. With each passing moment you felt your orgasm approaching and when you were about to cum, Wooyoung sat up licking his lips with a smirk.

"Bad girls dont get to cum so fast." He said while aligning his dick at your entrance. Without a warning he harshly pushed into you, making you scream. His pace was fast, hips snapping harshly making you a moaning mess under him.

"So you want to break up huh?" He said pulling out before thrusting into you harshly again. He fucked you harder than before and you absolutely loved it. "Ah fuck Wooyoung faster." You moaned out grabbing onto the sheets.

He went even faster smirking at you. "Good luck finding someone that can fuck you better than me." He said as he thrusted into you harshly hitting your g spot. By now you were screaming in pleasure, eyes rolling back as he fucked you into the absolute bliss. "Oh Wooyoung just like that." You moaned out.

He grabbed your throat squeezing it as he watched you gasp and grab onto his hand as he thrusted into you at a very fast and harsh pace. "Look at you being fucked so well, you're such a slut." He said squeezing your throat even harder.

"Im gonna cum" you gasped out as he squeezed your throat with one hand while the other moved to your clit, rubbing circles. "Come for me slut." He said as he started to rub your clit harshly. That send you over the edge as you came harshly against his dick. The way you squeezed around him as you came, send him over the edge as well as he came inside of you, letting out a loud groan.

After a good minute he pulled out and stood up to dress up. "What are you doing." You asked looking up at him.

"We broke up, so im leaving." He said and left your room. Tears fell down your face as you felt your heart break.

Feel, touch, break. You mumbled to yourself.

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