Ateez reaction when their s/o has period cramps

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When he came over and saw that you were in pain he immediately panicked. Not knowing what to do he got you some pain killers and kept asking you if you needed anything else. Later he would cuddle you carefully trying not to hurt you even more. "I hope you're feeling better love" he said and kissed your forehead.


When you complained that you were feeling horrible due to your period, Seonghwa brought you some medication and made you a cup of warm tea. He laid down and softly caressed your belly hoping that would help distract you from the pain. "Are you feeling any better? Do you need anything else?" He would ask concerned.


He wouldn't know what to do when you told him you're having period cramps. So he brought lots of candy and snacks and put on a movie for both of you to watch while cuddling. He hoped this would help and wheb you said it did he was really happy. "Im happy you're feeling better, next time tell me and ill do this for you every month." My sweet angel i-


Another one that didn't know what to do. So he just asked you what you needed or wanted. He was expecting you to answer with "bring me some painkillers" but when you said you wanted pizza he couldn't help but laugh. He did get you pizza tho and cuddles. "I love you baby girl, i hope the pain will go away soon"


When you texted him that your period was killing you, he immediately rushed to your house and brought some food and painkillers for you. He insisted on feeding you and taking care of you until you felt better. "I made you tea and brought cookies, so lets watch a movie?" He asked with a smile as he brought you the tea


He would be terrified when he heard you scream out in pain while clutching your stomach. He rushed to you and brought you painkillers and a heating pad. He slowly rested it on you stomach and kissed your forehead. "Get some rest love, ill be right here with you"


When you didn't text him back he knew something was wrong, so he rushed to your house to see you crying on your bed, in pain. He would rush to you and hug you tightly as you explained. After that he'd get you painkillers and cuddle with you. "You scared me so much love, i hate to see you in pain."


He knew you got your period so early in the morning he came over and cooked you some food. He also brought you painkillers and movies to watch so you could rest. "Do you need anything else? Ill get you anything you want? What about ice cream? How does that sound?"

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