Ateez reaction to getting in a fight and kicking you out of the car pt2

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A/n: hopefully part two wont suck as much as the first part did :((((

~After searching for you for hours he couldn't find you, so he decided to go home and check. Maybe you came back. When he got inside he saw your shoes, frantically he ran upstairs only to see the pale and angry you. You were packing your stuff without even looking at him. You were hurt and you had a good reason for it, he left you so cruelly, without any mercy so you decided to leave.~


When he saw you pack your stuff his heart broke. Were you really leaving? He knew he fucked up and he had to fix it somehow. "Y/n, please listen to me. I know that what i did was absolutely cruel but im so sorry, i dont know why i got so mad. I love you and i dont want you to leave, please give me a chance." He said as he slowly hugged you, like you were about to disappear but when you hugged him back, he relaxed into your touch. There was hope in him that you would stay.


As he ran upstairs and saw you pack your last stuff he almost fainted. Thats not what he wanted at all. "Y/n please dont leave, im so sorry for what i did, i know i was an asshole but i love you so much." He said with pleading eyes. "Im sorry Seonghwa, but I need some space right now." You said and left your shared apartment. When you left Seonghwa broke down. He lost you, he lost himself and his heart was broken to pieces.


When he got home and went upstairs to see you pack up he ran to you and hugged you tightly. "Baby im so fucking sorry i did this to you. Im the worst boyfriend ever and i don't deserve you. But i love you so much please dont leave me." He said sobbing on your shoulder. You slowly hugged him back melting into his arms, you were angry but you loved him too much to leave him like that.


He watched you pack up your stuff as he thought of the things he could say to you but nothing came out of his mouth. He desperately wanted to tell you how sorry he is but he knew that you deserved someone better. When you left he just sat down on the bed you both shared, the sheets had a lingering smell of your perfume and even tho you just left he already missed you. "Im so sorry y/n, but its for the best." He whispered.


When he got home he immediately ran upstairs to see you pack your stuff. He threw your bag across the room. "Y/n please dont leave me. I know i fucked up but please stay. I cant go on without you, i love you, i need you." San pleaded as you looked down. "Im sorry but i cant do this anymore. San lets break up." You said and San fell to the floor crying his heart out right in front of your feet. He felt like dying.


When he got home he felt relieved that you got home safely but when he saw you pack his heart dropped to his stomach. "Love please look at me. Im so fucking sorry for being so horrible. I know that what i did is unacceptable but please dont leave me. I cant be without you. I love you." He said as a tears spilled from his eyes. You came up to him and wiped his tears giving him a small kiss that made him smile a little. He still had hope.


When he found you he hoped to talk it out, but instead he saw you pack your stuff. "Im nothing in your life so im leaving. We're done Wooyoung." You said packing your last stuff. "No no no this cant end like this you cant leave me. I wont let you. I want you to stay, please, im so sorry." He said as he got on his knees to beg for forgiveness. Seeing him like this made your heart break as you approached him and hugged him tightly.


Relief washed over him to see that you were okay but when you packed your stuff he got angry again. "What are you doing? Are you leaving? Fine, do it. You always run away from your problems when you cant handle them." Jongho said slamming the door as he left the room. Later that day he realized that he really did lose you over something so stupid. He knew he fucked up and there was no way of getting out of this mess that he created.

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