Attez reaction when their s/o is distant after being called clingy and annoying

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~Some story behind what happened. You and your boyfriend got in a fight four days ago. Harsh words were thrown at each other. You both got very angry and couldn't even listen to each other. Your boyfriend called you clingy and after that every time you wanted to initiate skinship you remembered those words thats why you haven't even touched your boyfriend in those four day and he was confused why you were like this. He absolutely missed your clingy side but most importantly your touch and kisses.~


He was confused to why you were kind of ignoring him and with that he became more sad. He missed your cuddles so much. He decided to confront you. "Babe, whats wrong? And dont tell me it nothing cuz you seemed distant lately." He said looking at you with sad eyes after you explained your fear, he became upset with himself. "Baby im so sorry. I really didn't mean it, i was too angry. I love your clingy side and i really miss it so please give me a hug and a kiss." He says as you slowly approached him, he would break out into a big smile, he really missed you.


You were acting differently, you seemed more cold and distant lately and it was driving him crazy. He didn't know how to approach you but when you hugged your friend he lost it. "Y/n whats going on? You're so distant lately and you haven't even touched me in 4 days." He asks looking at you with desperate eyes. After you explain why his face fell. "Oh babe I forgot i even said that, only because I didn't meant it at all. Your clingy side makes me feel so loved so please be just like you were before." He would say looking at you with a hopeful look.


After the fight you guys weren't the same. You talked in a more awkward way and there was no skinship involved at all. At first Yunho thought that you just need time but he was becoming impatient. After he confronted you and you confessed why you were like that, he felt his heart drop to his stomach. "Oh darling. I fucked up so badly, but i just want you to know that i love you and your clingy side, i was just angry and talked nonsense. Please just come hug me, im your big teddy bear remember?." He would say pulling you in a hug.


For the next few days after the fight you seemed more silent and distant than usual, at first he thought that maybe you were just stressed or something, but when tried to kiss you and you just looked away he felt a pang in his heart. When he asked you whats wrong and you quietly confessed, his heart hurt even more. It was all his fault. "Y/n please listen to me. I dont know what came over me when i was mad but what i said is absolutely not true and i can promise you that, i always loved your clingy side, so please dont feel discouraged." He would say looking down.


San felt really hurt when you basically ignored him all the time after the fight. He really missed your cuddles and kisses but he didn't know how to approach you without making it worse, so he called one of his friends and you heard him talk about how much he fucked up and missed you. So you approached him and told him what exactly happened. "Baby girl im so sorry that i even said that and its not true at all! I love you and i miss you so much. Please give me a hug." And when you hugged him he just sobbed holding you tightly.


He would feel so sad and confused. You were acting so distant and it was breaking his heart. He thought that maybe you fell out of love with him and he just wanted to cry at that thought, he decided to ask you and when you explained everything he felt even worse. It was him that caused you to be like this. "Y/n, my love im so sorry for what i said and not true. I honestly love your clingy side it makes me feel warm and loved so please forgive me, i miss your touch so much." He would say with a small pout painted on his lips.

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