Ateez reaction to their s/o being jealous

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He would think you looked cute when you were jealous. He'd look at you in adoration as you pouted with your arms crossed. He couldn't help himself but pinch your cheeks. "You're so cute when you're jealous." He would say with a big smile and pull you into a warm hug.


He'd be confused to why you acted so cold towards him but when he realized that you were simply jealous, he couldn't help but smile adoringly. "Dont be jealous baby, im only yours" he would say and give you lots of kisses as reassurance.


He thought you looked cute when you were jealous but he wouldn't admit it out loud. Like he'd just look at you as you pouted and looked away from him. He'd approach you and pull you into a hug. "There's no reason for you to be jealous cutie. Im here with you".


From the start he knew that you were jealous so he purposely laughed more as he talked to one of the staff members. When he saw you approach him and kiss him on the neck, he smirked. That's exactly what he wanted. "Oh hello babe, do you need anything?"


San was extremely confused to why you were jealous until he realized that he has been ignoring you the whole day as he was talking to another girl. He immediately went over to you and attacked you with kisses making you smile. "Im sorry i was ignoring you baby, but you got all of my attention now!"


When you told him you were jealous he didn't know what to say. A part of him found it cute, but mostly he felt like you didn't trust him, thats why you were jealous. "Do you really not trust me that much to be jealous for no reason?" He asked with a hurt expression.


Wooyoung thought you looked extremely cute when you were jealous. Like he just wanted to squeeze you in a tight hug and tell you how much he actually adores you. That's exactly what he did. "You're so cute babe, i dont deserve you" he said while hugging you.


When he found out that you were actually jealous, he couldn't help but smile. But now that he knows he will tease you about it for the rest of your life. "Look at my sweetheart being all cute and jealous" he would say and give you small kiss on the lips.

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