Ateez Wooyoung prompt

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50. "Just your wrists. If you don't like it, we can stop."

69. "Handcuffs?"

Couple of days ago you and Wooyoung had a talk about what you would like to try out in the bedroom. He told you that he would like to try out light bondage, like tying your hands up. So today he bought handcuffs. You were sitting on your bed, watching your favorite show when Wooyoung crawled onto your bed to give you a kiss.

From the small kiss it somehow turned into a heated make out session. You were both out of breath, with your shirts and pants thrown all over the room. You were both left with your underwear as Wooyoung took something from his pocket. "Handcuffs?" You asked tilting your head to the side as you looked at Wooyoungs dark eyes full with lust.

"Just your wrists. If you don't like it, we can stop." He said as he slowly cuffed your hands together. The sight made him grow even harder. He wanted to fuck You senseless and thats what he was about to do. "How does it feel? Hope they aren't too tight." He said as he looked at the handcuffs that hugged your hands oh so well.

"It feels fine." You whimpered as you felt Wooyoung take off your underwear. He aligned his cock at your entrance and hissed at the feeling. He slammed into you with so much force that you felt the bed hit the wall. "Fuck Wooyoung." You screamed out as he rammed into you. "Shit look at you. You're such a slut, my slut. Handcuffed yet still enjoying me fuck you so well." He moaned out as he quicked his pace.

"Fuck.fuck.fuck" you were a moaning mess. When Wooyoung grabbed your throat and squeezed it tightly making you whimper and moan out his name. You wanted to touch him so badly, yet your cuffs were restraining you from doing so, the cold metal resting against your stomach.

"Baby girl im gonna cum soon." He moaned out as he slammed into you one last time with a harsh squeeze to your throat as you both came. "We should do this more often." You panted out as Wooyoung smirked at you.

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