Ateez Wooyoung bff smut prompt

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12. "What happens if I do this?"

92. "Was that a moan?!" "No I-" "That was a fucking moan!"

Wooyoung has been your best friend for a really long time and today was the first fight you guys had in years. It was over something very stupid. Wooyoung started complaining that you flirt with everyone when you both go out and he just feels too "awkward".

In reality Wooyoung likes you a lot, he wants to be with you, but he is stuck in that stupid friend zone. And he thought that you didn't like him back, cuz he never saw any sign of you feeling something more for him, but you liked him back just as much. And now the fight was just for both of you to let out your frustrations.

"Just shut up! You're giving me a headache." Wooyoung said as he looked at you. "Make me." You said in a playful tone, but you did not expect that Wooyoung would do something. "What happens if i do this?." He asked as he pushed you against the wall and gripped your throat. Everything was so sudden and it felt good making you moan softly, making Wooyoung smirk at you.

"Was that a fucking moan?." He asked as he squeezed your throat a little tighter. "No i-" you tried to explain yourself but failed. "That was a fucking moan!." He exclaimed as he leaned in closer. "What im about to do is only going to feel even better." He said with a smug smile as he pulled you in a passionate yet sloppy kiss, your hands in his hair, his hands on your waist. This was absolute heaven.

"I liked you for so long." Wooyoung mumbled as he kissed your neck, before harshly biting and sucking your skin, leaving purple marks. He wanted to mark you, he wanted to make you only his and thats what he was about to do. "Fuck, me too." You moaned out as you tugged at his hair earning a growl from him.

He picked you up bridal style, you yelped at the sudden change. "Im gonna fuck you so good tonight, you wont be able to walk for days baby girl." He said as he carried you upstairs. Lets just say, he made his words come true but you also became a couple so its a win win situation.

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