Ateez Seonghwa "Tear" angst/smut imagine

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"I love you." The words kept repeating in your head. Salty tears rolling down your cheeks as you looked at a picture of you and Seonghwa. The truth is after the break up you still longed for Seonghwa even if it felt ridiculous. Like for gods sake he cheated on you, yet a part of you missed him so dearly.

Screaming and crying didn't help, neither did drowning your sorrow in a glass of wine, but that's exactly what you were doing. Salty tears rolling down your cheeks as you sobbed clutching on the glass of wine that you were holding.

You felt tired, no exhausted. You felt suffocated, like someone was choking you and you were about to die, but you didn't care. All you wanted was Seonghwa to come and tell you that its a miss understanding, that he didn't cheat, that he loved you but this is all an illusion, that will never come true.

You heard a knock on the door. You wiped your tears and opened the door to see a soaked Seonghwa. It was raining heavily, it seemed like the sky was crying with you.

"What the fuck are you doing here?." You asked with anger laced in your voice as you glared at Seonghwa who was looking down in shame. "We really need to talk, please let me in." He said looking up at you with sorrow in his eyes. You quietly let him in and gave him a towel to dry himself.

"Im sorry. I love you". He said looking straight into your eyes. Lies, it was all lies you thought to yourself.

"No you're fucking not. If you were sorry or if you loved me, you wouldn't have cheated on me. If you were actually sorry you wouldn't show up at my house at 2am to fucking apologize for your shitty actions. You should just leave me alon-." You we're cut off by Seonghwa kissing you. As much as you wanted to push him away a part of you gave up and you kissed him back.

The kiss was anything but soft. It was full of passion, anger, regret, love. Seonghwa laid you down on the sofa as he pulled away to catch his breath and take off his shirt, you ran your hands over his toned stomach, goosebumps started to rise all over his body.

He wasted no time in taking your shirt and jeans off. He kisses from your neck to your chest, sucking and biting at your skin creating beautiful hickeys. The way your skin glowed drove him crazy. He kissed you again, this time with more force roughness. You moaned into the kiss as he smirked.

"You ready?" Seonghwa asked as he aligned his dick at your entrance. Smirking at you as you rolled your eyes at his stupid question. "Just fuck me already." You mumbled and that's exactly what he did. He slammed into you without a warning, making you yelp in both surprise and pain.

"Fuck you're so tight." Seonghwa moaned out as he picked up the pace and went faster, deeper.

"I fucking hate you." You moaned out as you grabbed onto his arms for some kind of support. You kept on panting as Seonghwa kept on hitting you're gspot repeatedly. You knew this was wrong and it would leave hurting, but you didn't care, all you wanted was for him to fuck you senselessly and what he was doing.

He wrapped his hand around your throat and squeezed it tightly as you gasped for air with strangled moans. "Such a slut and only for me. No one can fuck You this well." He moaned out as you could only nod.

"Oh fuck right there please!." You moaned out as he slammed into you harder, fucking you at a fast pace. The bed was hitting the wall as your body shook underneath Seonghwa. "Thats it slut, come for me." He groaned as you came harshly against his dick, shaking uncontrollably. The way you felt around him made him cum inside you with a load groan and quiet moan of your name.

After a good minute he got up and dressed up. "Im so sorry i messed up and cheated on you. I lost you, i lost everything, but just know that i love you and you will never see me again. Goodbye y/n." He said as he left once again leaving you heartbroken.

Love is the burden of humanity, everyone recognizes it. - Johnny Gloom

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