Ateez reaction to their bff sitting on their lap and the get a little excited

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He would be so nervous. He thought of so many random thoughts but nothing helped. He just prayed that you wouldn't notice his growing problem. And when the road started to get bumpy he exhaled loudly making you look at him. "Oh sorry its just im really tired haha." He said embarrassed as he looked out the window hoping this trip would end soon.


The moment you sat down on his lap he knew there would be a problem with controlling himself. He wrapped his arms around your waist and prayed to god you wouldn't notice his boner but of course you felt it and looked at him with a smirk. "Please dont look at me like that. Its already hard for me not to fuck you here right now." He said looking down.


He grew anxious the moment he felt his boner grow beneath you. He engaged in a conversation with Mingi to distract himself, but that didn't help much. You felt him and looked at him with a smile that made him feel even more shy. "Im sorry about my little problem." He mumbled shyly.


The moment he felt his boner grow hard he knew that this trip will be very torturous for him. When you felt his hard on you decided to tease him and move around a bit to get more "comfortable" and San understood what you were doing "stop moving around baby or ill have to punish you when the car stops." He said with a smirk.


He was so scared you would notice his growing boner, yet you didn't and he was thankful to everything that he believed in. Tho that was until the car stopped and you stood up and looked down at this problem. "Do you need help with that little problem of yours?" You asked with a smirk and he shyly nodded.


He had never felt so embarrassed in his whole life. He was so scared you would notice his boner and be disgusted by it, but when you noticed it all you did was slyly put your hand in Mingi's jeans and started rubbing him slowly earning a low groan from him. "Fuck just like that." He groaned in your ear.


10/10 wasn't even ashamed when he got a boner. He prayed to god you would notice it and somehow help him with his problem and you did. Once you got out of the car you dragged him to the bathroom and sucked him off. "Fuck baby girl you're doing so well." He moaned out as he rested his head against the cold tiles.


He was scared as fuck. He didn't know what to do or how explain himself. When you reassured him that its okay, he calmed down a bit but it started to get uncomfortable with his problem so you offered to help him when the car stops. "You know you are the best right?" He asked as you rubbed his thigh softly.

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