Ateez Seonghwa angst/fluff prompt

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3. "Calm down! You're scaring me!"

You went to take a long bath while your fiancé Seonghwa was at practice. You took off all of your accessories including your engagement ring. After taking a bath you wanted to put all of the accessories back on, but something was missing. Your engagement ring.

You started panicking and searching for the ring all around the bathroom. You were on the verge to tears and at that moment you heard the door open which ment Seonghwa came back. You were scared that if he saw that you lost it he would be mad at you.

"Heyyyy babe." He said as came into your bedroom only to see you frantically running around and searching. "Y/n whats wrong?" Yet again all he got was silence. He was beyond confused . You were rushing from room to room without even looking at him.

"Calm down! You're scaring me!" Seonghwa said and finally you looked at him. "Im so sorry." You said looking down as a single tear rolled down your cheek. "What are you sorry for? Baby what happened?" He asked as he cupped your cheeks making you look at him.

"I went to take a bath and i took off my engagement ring and now i cant find it." You said closing your eyes expecting him to be mad and yell at you, but all he did was laugh. You were so confused. "Baby look at your hand." He said and you slowly looked at your hand. There was your engagement ring placed on your finger.

You mentally cursed at yourself remembering that you took out your earrings but forgot to take off your ring. You felt heat rush to your cheeks. "You're so adorable." Seonghwa said as he kissed your lips softly and pulled you into a hug.

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