Ateez San fluff prompt

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"can I kiss you?"

"I've waited so fucking long for this"

You and San have been best friends for a long time and today San finally found the courage to tell you how he feels about you. So there he was waiting for you to come out so you would both go to the zoo.

"Hey Sannie." You smiled as you came up to him and gave him a hug. A big smile spread across his face as his heart pounded in his chest repeatedly. He is a sucker for your hugs.

As you walked together San was extremely quiet and fidgety so you wondered what could possibly be up with your friend. "San is everything alright? You're acting weird." You asked with concern lacing your voice.

"Yes... Well no. I dont know how to say this, but i just like you a lot wait no i love you and i know you dont feel the same and its okay i just cant keep this to myself anymore and im sorry if i ruined our-" he was cut off when you pressed your finger to his lips. Swallowing the lump in this throat he looked into your eyes.

"I like you too Sannie" you said giving him a warm smile. With that San started jumping and squeaking like a child that got his favorite candy. You couldn't help but smile even more at his cuteness.

"Can i kiss you?" He asked suddenly turning serious and all you could do was nod. With that he placed his soft lips onto yours. Both of you felt butterflies in your stomach and it felt like the time has stopped.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked as he rested his forehead against yours. "I'd love to be yours San." You said and gave him a small kiss, which caused San to smile even more.

"I've waited so fucking long for this" he said as he looked you in the eyes with pure love and adoration laced in them.

"Now lets go to the zoo baby." He said taking your hand in his making your heart race.

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