Wooyoung smut imagine

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Warnings: Smut, degradation, choking, lots of angst with a dash of fluff.

Summary: Wooyoung meets his ex girlfriend while going home. She cheated on him and threw 3 years of relationship down the drain. Now she angered him by flirting. When he gets home he takes his anger on you by remembering all the momeries with his ex and accidentally calls you his ex name. What will happen after that?

Word count: 2,226.

Wooyoung was on his way home from practice. He saw your favorite bakery and decided to bring you your favorite sweets. With a smile on his face he walked into the bakery only to lose his smile when he saw his ex girlfriend.

The same girl that threw away 3 years of pure love and devotion from Wooyoung to be with some one hit wonder asshole. Just remembering how much he gave her yet she broke his heart makes Wooyoung's blood boil. He pretended like he didn't see her but all of his hope vanished when he heard his name come out from her disgusting mouth. "Omg Wooyoung is that you?" She asked as she walked up to him and hugged him.

"Hey Jennie. Didn't expect to see you" Wooyoung said through gritted teeth. He really didn't want to see her. Just hearing her voice brought back a lot of memories that he hoped to forget. "So how are you? How's life these days?" She asked with her hand resting on his chest. That angered him even more.

"Everything's great but if you'd excuse me, i have to go home, my girlfriend is waiting for me." He said walking out of the bakery only for Jennie to follow him. "So you've got a girlfriend huh? Bet she doesn't stand a chance against me. No one can love you like i did, no one can fuck you like i did." She says with a smirk. Wooyoung just walked away completely ignoring her.

On his way home he grew angrier with every second. All of the bitter memories came back to Wooyoung's head and he felt like he was going crazy. He was completely sure that he was over her. Or maybe this whole time he was wrong?

When he got home he didn't even say a word. He pushed you against the wall and kissed you with so much aggression. You thought that maybe he had a rough day at practice and wanted to pour out his stress on you. Thats what he often did. So you kissed him back tangling your fingers into his hair, tugging them which earned a groan from Wooyoung.

He picked you up bridal style and carried you to your bedroom. As soon as you got there he dropped you onto the bed and took off his shirt throwing it to the other side of the room along with his pants. And now was your turn. You saw the hunger and lust in his eyes and you just knew that today wouldn't be a simple making love night, it will be rough and passionate sex and you absolutely loved it.

Harshly he took off your top and jeans leaving you only in your underwear. He crawled on the bed hovering over you, his eyes looked darker than ever. Something about Wooyoung seemed different today. He attacked your sensitive neck, biting and sucking on your skin leaving harsh hickeys. You couldn't help but moan both in pain and pleasure.

"Fuck you're such a pathetic little slut, im barely doing anything and you're already wet for me." He said rubbing circles on your clothed clit earning a low whine from you. He pushed your panties to the side and inserted two fingers making you moan out his name and grab onto his shoulders for support. He went at a fast pace that made your legs tremble. You were so close and when he curled his fingers you came undone shaking violently. He pulled out his fingers and licked them clean.

"Such a good slut and only for me." He said taking of his boxers. He aligned his dick at your entrance and without a warning he pushed into you harshly making you scream out in pain. He didn't even let you adjust to his size, he almost pulled out and slammed back into you. You could feel the bed hit the wall.

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