Ateez San angst imagine

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Warning! Angst :')

With everyday it became harder for you to stay with San. You loved him more than anything, but the way your relationship has been going down hill was now very noticeable and today you decided to talk to him, break up to be exact. You told him to sit down in front of you and once he did you sighed, looking down to gather your thoughts.

"Babe? What's wrong? What did you want to talk about?" San asked with a frown as he looked at you. Your silence was giving him more and more anxiety. "If you want to break up with me just tell me" he said with a shaky voice, hoping you would say that it's not because of that.

"Listen San, please don't doubt that I don't love you. I love you a lot and you changed my life for the better, but I don't think I can do this anymore." You said as you felt your whole body shake and anxiety boil inside of you.

"Why? Where did we go wrong? I can fix whatever I did wrong just tell me" San said desperately. His whole world was crumbling down beneath him.

You sighed once again as you looked at him with sympathy.

"San, please listen to me. There is nothing that could fix it. You did nothing wrong, I just don't think I can be in a relationship anymore. I'm at fault, I just don't feel so well being committed like that, I get anxious everyday because of us, please understand" you said as you looked down, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.

"No please, we can work it out! I'll help you, we will communicate more! Relationship is about both sides working hard, please don't give up" San said as he felt himself tear up at the fact that you're really leaving him.

"I cant do this anymore San. This relationship is ruining me emotionally. I'm not strong enough for this" you said as you stood up and slowly looked up at him. "B-But what about all the plans we made, all the memories we created? Will you throw it all away and just give up?" San said as a tear slipped down his cheek, his whole body shaking. "I'm sorry San" you said and walked out of the apartment.

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