Ateez reaction to having a nightmare about losing you and waking up without you

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~Y'all im so sorry this sucks so much :(( i dont know why but this was so hard for me to write and most of the time its not that hard i dont know i might delete it :((( ~

The moment he woke up he checked to see if you were still sleeping next to him and your spot was gone. He sat there for a good minute recalling the dream and the last few days you have been together. He realized that the dream was now his reality and he felt his heart sting with pain but at that moment you walked into the bedroom with a glass of water. "Y/n you're here? Thank god. For a moment i though i lost you. Please come cuddle me."


He woke up gasping for air, his whole body covered in sweat but his first concern was to check if you were there but you weren't. He felt so scared and his heart fell to his stomach. Slowly tears started to brim in his eyes and thats when you walked into the room. He exhaled loudly. "Baby you're here, I thought you left me. I was so scared." He would say as tears rolled down his cheek slowly.


When he woke up the first thing he noticed is that you are gone. He felt his whole body freeze in realization. You left. He buried his face in his hands as he felt his heart break with each second he breathed but you walked in with a cup of tea and he just broke down crying. "Y/n you didn't leave me." He said as he ran to you and hugged you tightly.


When he woke up he was already crying but when he noticed you were gone he got up and frantically paced around the house trying to find you and he found you in the kitchen making a snack. He ran to you and hugged you tightly crying on your shoulder. "My love you're here. Please dont leave me, i love you so much." He sobbed quietly as you rubbed his back reassuring that you're here.


When he woke up his head was spinning and he felt so confused. He gathered his thoughts and searched for you but the bed was empty. He panicked and didn't know what to do with himself and his aching heart. When you walked into the room he was shocked he thought he lost you. "Baby girl you're here, I thought you left me forever" he said with a sad expression.


The moment he woke up he checked your side and you were gone. Earlier that day you guys had a fight and the nightmare was real, you really left him. He felt tears roll down his cheek as he sobbed loudly, frustrated he screamed out your name and you ran into the room asking what happened. "I had the worst nightmare. I thought i lost you. Im so sorry baby i love you so much." He sobbed as he hugged you.


He hated nightmare and this one was getting to him a lot more than others so when he woke up and couldn't find you he felt his whole world crumble. He laid back in bed and cried quietly as he beat himself up mentally for losing the person that was the most precious to him. And when you walked in it felt unreal until you touched his cheek and he leaned into your touch. "Please dont ever leave me, i wont be able to live without you."


When he woke up and couldn't find you he realized that he had actually lost you and he couldn't do anything about it besides cry and thats what he did. And now you walked into the room with a glass of water but immediately dropped it and ran to Jongho. "Honey, i love you so much. I hope you know that." He mumbled as you hugged him tightly calming him down as much as you could.

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