Ateez reaction to kicking you out of the car after a fight pt1

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As always ill do some intro to what happened.

~You didn't mean to make him jealous bu talking to one of his friends on a party, his friend hugged you which cause him to be jealous. On the way home you had a big fight. He got too angry. "Get out of my fucking car, you're such a slut." He says stopping the car as you walked out. It was pouring rain outside and he drove off making you walk alone, shivering from the cold.~

Also im not sure if ill do a part 2 what do you guys think???


As he was driving he started thinking all the things that happened, what he saw. And he understood that it wasn't your fault. He started to regret what he did. He turned his car around and when he came to the place where he left he didn't see you. He felt horrible, it was cold and raining heavily. He searched for you but didn't find you.


Jaw clenched, hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, Seonghwa cursed out your name. He was so angry but what he did and said was too much. He came back to the same place. Got out of the car and started frantically searching for you only to be met by the heavy rain and darkness in his way. But the scary part is that he cant find you.


Anger took over him and what he did was too much. Instant regret washed over him as the thunder got heavier and so did the rain. He turned his car around and sped back to where he left you, but he couldn't find you. He drove around for a good hour but there was no sign of you, he was really scared, what if something bad happened to you?


He knew that he crossed the line and that he shouldn't have have done that to you, but maybe this way you would learn your lesson. Maybe the next time you wont make him jealous. He drove back to see if you were still there, but he found nothing, only the darkness and for a moment he grew really scared, so he thought that maybe you went home.


His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel. He was so angry yet he felt guilty? He decided to go back and talk it out, but when he got there he didn't see you. He got out of the car, the rain was so heavy that he barely saw anything but one thing was very visible, he lost you and he was scared.


The moment he drove off he realized that what he did to you was way too cruel and that he needed to go back and so he did. When he got there, you weren't there. He searched for hours in the pouring rain but he didn't find you, he called you but your phone was off. He felt his body grow weak thinking of all the things that could happen to you.


Betrayed. Thats how Wooyoung felt. How dare you be like that with his friend. But when he thinks about it, you didn't hug him back. He cursed under his breath and turned the car around. When he came back he saw a person sitting on the ground soaked in the rain. It was you, he rushed to you and when he touched your hand you hissed and moved yourself away from him. He fucked up. Big time.


When he kicked you out of the car he finally felt at ease but when he got home he felt empty. He came back to where he left you but you weren't there and he kept searching for you but with no success. He called you but you didn't answer. He didn't know what to do or where to go, he was so scared.

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