Ateez reaction when their s/o breaks up with them

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⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ : this is extremely sad so read at your own risk! My heart still hurts from this okay? Im suffering with you all :(((((( (also im sorry if this turned out badly)


He would be absolutely heartbroken. The moment you said those words he felt like his heart broke into a million pieces and he didn't know what to say. All he could think about is the fact that this is it, you want to leave. "Im sorry if i was a bad boyfriend or if i hurt you. Im so fucking sorry my love." He said as hot tears rolled down his cheeks.


He felt like the whole world stopped the moment you said those words. He felt his heart clench tightly in his chest as his eyes burned. He looked down, he didn't want you to see the pain you caused him just now. He wanted to hide and never be seen by the world. He's broken, all because of you. "I guess this is it." He mumbled quietly as a sob escaped his trembling lips.


He was shocked once he heard you say those words. He never expected you to say those horrible words and he hoped that it wasn't true, that this wasn't his reality. He sat there listless as you got up to say goodbye to him with your bags in your hands. "I really hope that you know that i fucking hate you for breaking me like this. I don't ever want to hear or see you."


He couldn't help but laugh at your words. Cuz you were joking right? That's what he thought until he saw your serious expression. That's when reality hit him, he felt dizzy, the ringing in his ears wouldn't stop. This couldn't be happening. "You can't just end it like this! No, i wont let you throw everything away like this! No! Never!." He yelled in denial.


The moment those gruesome words left your mouth, San broke down crying. This couldn't be happening right now. Why now? You were happy couple of days ago, or thats what he thought. He didn't know what to do with himself anymore. He felt numb. "How could you do this to me? I thought you were happy." The only question that he could ask you right now without breaking down completely.


"This is unfair, how can you just throw me away like this? I love you." Mingi sobbed out. He was beyond broken. He didn't know what to say or how to feel. He was shaking uncontrollably as he tried to gather his thoughts, but right now his whole body was in complete shock. He felt angry, betrayed, heartbroken and most importantly already lonely without you.


He kept on screaming at you, and you took it all, in the end you deserved every mean word that Wooyoung told you. He was so hurt that he didn't realize that no matter what he does he already lost you. When reality hit him, he broke down crying on the floor as his heart ached, he was in pain, he felt helpless. "I hope that you are happy, you broke me. I will never love or trust anyone because of you." He said with hate laced in his voice.


He was beyond shocked that after the first sentence he wasn't even listening anymore. He froze in his spot as he stared at you shallowly. "I never expected you to leave me like this. Is there someone else?" He asked and when you answered yes, he left slamming the door loudly. Once he was outside he broke down crying, his heart ached, he felt like he couldn't breathe and it was all because of you and because of the love that he still feels for you.

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