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JJ's pov

The date is July 22, 2006. A normal day at the BAU, until I saw a raven haired woman walk happily through the bullpen. I was in my office looking through cases for our team. She walked into hotch's office with a box. I presumed it was a box of her things. I had no idea hotch was looking for a new member for the team. I went back to working when I saw a case of 7 dead women in 2 months. I felt bad interrupting hotch and the woman but it was urgent.
Hotch's  pov

  A woman knocked on my door. I opened it and recognized the woman.
  I said " Your Emily prentiss the ambassador's daughter."
She said " That would be me."
I asked "Why are you here?"
She answered "I have signed paperwork saying I start here today.
I said "I didn't approve of a new agent."
Just then jj opened the door and told me we had a case. I asked Emily to wait for me.
Emily's pov

  I was confused. I had the paperwork to start my new job but Agent Hotchner said he didn't sign anything. I heard the door behind me open and I turned around to see who it was. When I turned I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had long blonde hair and crystal blue eyes.
The woman said "sorry to interrupt but we have a case and it's a bad one."

  Agent Hotchner said he was sorry that he had to leave but to wait for him to get back then we could talk.

  The agents left the room and I watched them leave. A few hours later I decided to wander around. I met a very perky woman who introduced herself as Penelope Garcia. I told her why I was there and the situation with agent Hotchner. She told me to profile him. That if I showed him that I knew what I was doing he would let me join the team.
                     A week later

  I was in Agent Hotchner's office when he returned. I got up when he opened the door. He said "let's finish our conversation."
I told him "ok well I think I deserve this job because I am not uneducated in the field. Let me show you, you used to wear a wedding ring, but you no longer do. I would say newly divorced. It was her idea. It had something to do with the job. Even though you are divorced you would do anything for your wife. You have a son he is everything to you. I do know what I am doing Agent Hotchner.
The agent said " tomorrow we brief at 8:00A.M. 

"Thank you sir you won't be disappointed," I said.

As i walked out i saw the woman again she said "hello I am Jennifer Jareau but you can call me JJ since I can guess you profiled your way into the team. And anyone who can profile hotch is my friend."
My first friend in the BAU. The most beautiful woman I had ever seen was my friend.

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