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Emily's pov

All I could think about was my date with JJ. I finally did it I told her I loved her. And she agreed to go on a date with me. I couldn't wait until the day was over. Morgan asked and asked who I was going on a date with. I really did want to tell him it was JJ. But I couldn't. He would bug JJ and tell everyone. Finally it was time to leave. JJ and I left together we went to our apartments to get ready.

I wore dress pants and a nice shirt. I waited in the car for JJ. When she came out she had a flowy skirt and a blouse on. She looked amazing. She gave me some flowers. I swear to God how does this woman have time to do these things. We drove to the steakhouse and we sat down. It wasn't like a normal date because I knew everything about her already and she new everything about me. So we just talked about how funny Morgan was today. We were there for a good three hours just talking and eating. Emily payed and we left. I thanked her on the car ride back.

We got back to our building and when I got out JJ pushed me against the driver side door. She started to kiss me and I deepened the kiss we were out there a good ten minutes. JJ stepped back, licked her lips and smiled. She walked into the building.

I yelled " what was that." She just shrugged her shoulders and kept walking. God that woman is smart. I followed her into the building . Honestly I wanted more. I caught up to her and she looked at me and said," what you want something else Em? she smirked and said " oh you want more do you?" Now I realize why JJ was never single. She gives you everything and leaves you wanting more. All I wanted was more. How did she know how to do this this. What does she even do? God I wish I knew how she did this. It made me smile stupidly. Yeah I really did want more. Not more more like more making out or hot looks from JJ. or cuddling or something.

She cocked her head and started laughing. she said, " Emily Prentiss is a simp!"

"Am not" I said.

"Yes you are," she said.

"How do you know if I am or not," I asked.

I said, Cause I can do this. She walked over to me and started kissing down my neck. She started to suck on the side of my neck. I let out a moan. Then she stopped. I just thought damn you Jennifer. She stood there and just looked at me biting her lip.

I said, " Fine Jennifer yes I am." She smiled.

she said, "God I love it when you call me Jennifer."

"So you simp for me when I call you Jennifer, I asked.

"Maybe" she said smiling.

JJ's pov

I got Emily Prentiss to simp for me. That is my biggest achievement. I mean I do simp for her but she also simps for me. God I just love her so much. She is so adorable. I just smile at her as she begs me. I love this power. It's is just fun to mess with her. I told her we could watch Netflix in my apartment for a while because I was scared to go further than making out. I knew what to do up to there, no further. I wanted to go further I really did but I was terrified. We watched a couple episodes of Orange is the New Black. I sat in Emily's lap. Yes in her lap, she was bigger than me and I really like when she holds me. She new that, it is why she did it. Yes I could make her simp for me at times but I will always simp for her whatever she does. Emily will almost always be in control.

After like 3 episodes Emily started to kiss the back of my neck. I loved the feeling of this. After a while I turned around and I started to kiss Emily she deepened it. I stopped to look at her and marvel in her beauty.

I started to get up because I was tired. I told Emily and she said "well you could sleep in my bed. We wouldn't do anything just sleep. You could keep me warm."

"Fine, if you love me that much, "I said.

"I do" she replied I changed into pjs and we walked over to her apartment. She changed then we laid down to sleep. I faced away her but she told me to look at her for a second. I turned over to look at her.

She said, "ok jj I don't care if you decide no to have sex with me yet but can you at least cuddle me when we sleep together. Please." I said of course and scooted over and held onto her. She put her hand under the back of my shirt and scratched my back. I nestled my head I the crook of her neck. I could here her heart beat and I fell asleep instantly.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I got up and saw that Emily was still asleep she was a deep sleeper. I made breakfast and went to my room to change for work. When I came back to her apartment she was still sleeping. I decided to sit back down on the bed and wait for her to wake up.

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