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A year later

JJ's pov

My life is pretty normal now I live in the apartment across the hall from Emily. I still hang out with her all the time. I guess that is an understatement I am with her every day. We carpool to work, we drink wine together, I spy on Emily's dates to make sure they are going well and to save her when the date is going bad. She tries to push me to date. I always tell her I am not ready yet.

Ugh the truth is I do want to date but I am scared I will find someone like will.

I think the deal breaker for all of Emily's dates is her work. Not being at home half the time. I mean a lot of people don't understand the work schedule. Will never did.

Anyways Emily and I never spent a day apart. Today we drove to work together like every day.

But when we walked out of the elevator hotch said " great just the people I was looking for."

I said" what do you mean?"

Hotch said " just follow me."

Emily's pov

We followed hotch into the conference room. We sat down. Hotch gave us the files of our next case it was 10 pairs of women. Each pair of women had one who had brunette hair and one who had blonde. Each pair where best friends. This was in Maryland. The FBI in Maryland wanted behavioral specialists to take help on this case because they needed 2 to go undercover. They wanted agents that could get into the mind of the killer.

"I am guessing that is us right" I said.

"you are correct" hotch answered.

"So how long are we going to be undercover for" jj asked. Hotch said until we catch the guy. So Emily and I went to our apartments to pack and we left for the airport. Hotch drove us he said him and the team would be in Maryland tomorrow. On the plane we both slept. When we got to Maryland the director of the Maryland feild office showed us our apartments.

They were across from each other just like back in Quantico. We unpacked all of our things. We went to dinner at a nice restaurant. Like a nice ass restaurant. All the victims dined here a month before they were murdered. I decided to wear the dress JJ bought me for my birthday. I did my makeup and waited in the car for JJ. Just then I get a text from jj saying she needed help. I rush up to her apartment and I open the door to see her stuck like a pencil in a dress. I close the door and just burst into laughter. She burst into laughter as well. I helped her get unstuck and we laughed about it the whole way there.

JJ'S pov

Honestly I don't like dresses. I never have but I got in the habit of wearing them when I was the press liaison. I am clearly not good at putting them on but this one was tighter than most of my other ones. The bureau bought this dress.

Anyway enough with my dress. Emily was wearing the one I bought her last year for her birthday. She looked stunning in the dress just like I imagined. It fit her perfectly.

We looked around the restaurant to see if anyone was watching us or if there was anyone suspicious. We didn't see anyone watching us so we ate and talked and we stayed until it closed. Not because we had to but for some reason we can just talk and talk for hours.

We talked about if we wanted kids and what we would name them. We talked about future pets and we talked about our favorites even though we both knew each others favorites by heart. We talked about dating and our worst dates. I guess it was me talking mostly.

I rarely talk to anyone. I say hi how was your day and that is about it. But I talk a lot when I am with Emily. Not many people know most of Emily's secrets. I do. There is only 1 secret I don't know. Who the girl that she talks about all the time is. I wish I knew the girl. I would so try to set her up with Emily.

We finished our dinner and went to our apartments. We changed out of our dresses into pj's.

Emily's pov

I changed into a cropped top and sweats. Then jj came into my apartment because we were going to watch The Shining. She came in and she had on a cropped sweatshirt and some sweats.

JJ couldn't stand horror movies. Even though we faced scarier things in our lives she was still scared. I thought it was cute. She always buries her head in the covers or she would grab onto me. When the movie was over I looked at jj and she looked terrified. I laughed. She hit me with a pillow so I hit her back.

We fought for about 2 hours then jj went back to her apartment and we went to sleep. When we woke up we called the team and they told us that they would keep us up dated on what was going on. JJ and I asked if there was any where specific we needed to go today. Hotch told us we could do what ever we wanted. We hung up and started talking about what we were going to do.

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