Forgot My Girlfriend

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Emily's pov

We finished the case rather quickly. It was the restaurant owner. His wife. cheated on him and they met when she was a waitress for the company.

Jj and I went home and we sat in my apartment and watched more Orange is the New Black. We were about 3 and a half episodes in and JJ straddled me. I grabbed her thighs. She licked and bit her lip. She started to kiss me. I kissed her back. She rapped her legs around my waist. We sat there kissing like that for what felt like forever.

She pulled back and said," God I love you Emily Prentiss. "

I said while unbuttoning her shirt," let me show you how much I love you Jennifer Jareau."

She said, "but I don't know how. She pouted.

I said," well lucky for you I know how."

She said, "show me then." She started to take my shirt off."

"Alright then I said. I'll show you."

JJ'S pov

God did she show me. She is amazing in bed. She rolled over beside me. We were out of breath. I said " since you showed me this time maybe I'll teach you something for next time."

She said, "oh really you think you can teach me something."

I said" yeah I do but we have dinner at Rossi's tomorrow and it's getting  late. Bet Morgan will ask you about tonight."

" yeah but what will I tell him. Oh I know I'll say last night I made my girlfriend scream so loud that you thought some one was being killed. So you barged in and saw me naked on the couch with my girlfriend. Unless you want me to tell him the truth."

I said "go ahead tell him that." And she said she would. We went to sleep in each other's arms. When I woke up Emily was still asleep. I knew we had nothing to do until about 5 PM so I just laid there and watched her sleep peacefully. I sat there for about 2 hours until she woke up she asked how long I had  been up for.

I said about two hours and she said "how about we close our eyes and sleep until like noon then we can get up. Please." I told her yes and she kissed the top of my head and she pulled me closer to her and cuddled into my chest.

My alarm went off at noon and she woke up at the same time as me for once.

She pouted and said " do we really have to get up. Can I at least get a kiss."

I said " if you are ready by the time I get back we can make out in the hallway."

She jumped up and said" oh I'll be ready." I smiled and left for my apartment to get ready for dinner. Of course when I came back to Emily's apartment she was ready. We did as I promised her.

                       Rossi's mansion

We walked into his house. Everyone else was there. Rossi had dinner made. Morgan sat next to Emily and asked if anything happened last night. She told him exactly what she told me she would say. Morgan looked at me surprised.

I said," yeah that really happened but I mean I don't know if she will come back because Em is pretty ugly naked. Emily smacked me and everyone started laughing. After dinner I suggested we play truth or dare. Everyone agreed.

We sat outside by Rossi's fire pit. Morgan started. He asked Rossi's and he said truth. Morgan asked how much his house was worth. Rossi said $1,000,000.

Rossi asked me. I said dare. He dared me to do a handstand on Emily's shoulders. Of course I did.

I asked Emily. She said truth. I asked how many women have you had sex with. She scoffed and said not nice jj. I smiled and said answer. She said 4 but only one of them she liked. She looked over to me and smiled.

We played until like 11. We had to stop because Emily got too drunk. She is always drunk she just starts to talk and blurt out random things.

I took her home and she laid down and she said" your pretty."

I said " thank you go to bed Em."

She said" you should sleep with me in my bed."

I smiled and said" I thought you had a girlfriend."

She gasped and said " oh I have to call her grab my phone and get out." I did and when my phone rang Emily said "there was this girl and I almost let her sleep in my bed but then I remembered that I had a girlfriend so I hope your not mad."

I replied" em that was me." And I opened the door and she said" I'm sorry I forgot you were my girlfriend."

I laughed and laid down next to her. She fell asleep right away. I sat there for a while and looked at her. I cuddled into her chest and fell asleep.

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