Back to Work

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2 weeks later

JJ'S pov

I could finally go back to work. I couldn't be in the feild but I was still happy to be there. The team welcomed me back with excitement. Garcia gave me a basket of various items. Rossi made me some spaghetti. I knew I would have to tell the team why they didn't see Will anymore or why I am staying at Emily's apartment instead of at my own with will.

I asked Emily to collect the team at the round table. She knew I had to tell them. She did what i asked. Everyone was there and I announced I had something to say.

I took a deep breath and explained that I was not robbed and that Will was the person who did It to me. The team was surprised. I told them I have no idea where he is now and that he left me divorce papers already signed so I just had to sign them and mail them in.

Garcia burst into tears. I walked over to her and said" Penelope I'm fine I'll be fine.

She said," I know, i know cause your JJ and JJ is strong.

I said " yeah so don't worry about me. Right now Emily is taking care of me for now. I smiled at Em. Emily looked at Morgan and he gave her that wink again. Jesus I wish I knew what it ment I am a profiler for god sakes. Anyway everyone gave me hugs and told me to forget Will and move on when I was ready. When I got back from the round table I got a call from Dallas P.D. There is 4 women found murdered and mutilated. There heads were sewn onto one of the other bodies. Garcia briefed the team and they were wheels up in 20.

I was with P.G in her batcave or whatever for the case.

On the plane to Dallas

Emily's pov

I wanted to be there with JJ or JJ here with me. Not that she needs me there with her. She is strong she can do it by herself but that doesn't mean she has to. She doesn't need to be protected but I would want someone to turn to when I want to talk or just for someone to listen. Morgan came to sit by me on the couch.

He smiled and said, " So, she is living in your 1 bedroom apartment with you. Hmm?

" come on Morgan, of course I am letting my best friend stay with me after her husband abused her for years" I said.

"Ok,ok don't yell. I would do the same thing. But I am just pointing out that you only have one bedroom in you apartment, everyone else has at least 2 bedrooms, and you have loved JJ since the first time you saw her." Morgan stated.

" ok yes, I have one bedroom, yes I love JJ, but that is not why she is staying at my place. You all have things that take up a lot of time in your lives. I have a cat. And I can help her if she needs it no matter what." I announced.

Morgan said," Alright I get it. But don't come running to me when you can't stand her living in your apartment and not being yours."

"I won't" I said. But the truth is I can't promise that. Not that I would ever stop being friends with JJ, but at one point I might just break. God I just wish JJ would love me back.

Back at headquarters

JJ'S pov

"My pretty it is time for you to head home it is late," Garcia said.

"I might just stay here tonight" I said.

"No you are going home" Garcia demanded.

"Just was thinking if the team called and you weren't in the room I could talk to them." I said shakily.

"Ohhhh you're scared to go home without Emily" She said.

"Don't judge me you weren't the one that was ra---.

Garcia interrupted me saying," no, no I wasn't judging you I was just thinking out loud."

"Well she makes me feel safe when I have nightmares about will. She let's me lay on top of her and she holds me until I stop shaking. I fall asleep knowing that she will be there if I need her. And the sound of her heart beat always calms me" I tell her as I smile.

"Really? That's nice. Um well I probably have some sheets and pillows you could sleep in the couch in my office so you are not alone." Garcia said.

"That would be nice." I answered. She left to grab the sheets.

Garcia's pov

I know Emily is a lesbian, but JJ had a husband and she's never dated a girl. But the way JJ talked about Emily is just. She talks like she is in love with Emily or at least likes her. Anyway I found the sheets and went back to my office. I gave her the sheets and blankets. And she put them on the couch and fell asleep.

Around 5 A.M I walked into my office and found Jj screaming I tried to calm her but she wouldn't stop I called Emily and I told her what happened. She said to put the phone on speaker. I did and Emily just started talking and Jj calmed down. Jj weakly smiled after she hung up with Emily.

She said," sorry for the uh screaming. I should uh go to Emily's apartment to get some clothes.

Bye P.G." she practically ran out of the room.

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