A Secret

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JJ's pov

Great now I for sure can't be back at work. Hotch will make me take more time off. Oh and Emily will stay with me the whole time. Don't get me wrong I love Emily being there with me I want her there but I don't want to stop her from doing her work. And I also probably interrupted whatever she was doing. I'll tell her when she gets back that I'll tell her I'll find somewhere to stay. I went to Emily's apartment and started to gather the things I had brought there. I decided to clean her apartment as a small thank you for letting me stay there. After about 2 hours I hear the door rattle. It scared me so i hid in the closet.😉

Emily's POV

I rushed home. Luckily there was a plane for Virginia from Texas in 30 minutes. I opened my door to my apartment cleaned and I called out for JJ.

She answered " i am in the bedroom. I walked in and she said "I didn't want you to come back you don't have to take care of me. I can find somewhere to sleep I'll get over it someday, I have to. You have a life and a job and I can go to Pennsylvania for a while. Don't get me wrong I love how your always there when I need you and how you do anything to help me and make me feel safe. But it can't be easy for you taking care of me 24/7."

I stopped her. And said "Jennifer Grace Jareau you are not a bother. I am fine with taking care of you when you need it. I want to help you. I am you best friend it's my job to care for you no matter what."

JJ'S pov

Why would she would put up with me. I wake her up at ungodly hours of the night. I scream and scream I just don't know why I can't get over it.

Emily walked over to hug me. I just completely latched onto her.

I went to therapy for a month. I didn't think It helped at all. I sat there and told her what Will did. And Emily picked me up every time like she said she would. Finally it was my last one. Emily picked me up like she always did. She asked me if I thought it helped I said no. Emily told me she bet it did so we went to her apartment and ate dinner and went to bed. I told her that I'll sleep on the couch. She was hesitant but said ok.

I laid down and every time I closed my eyes I still saw will but not just his face. It was the image of him with his belt. I decided to turn the TV on to pass the time until about 6 when I could make breakfast or until I could sleep.

Hotch gave me more time off so I usually sat in Emily's apartment and watched TV. Anyways it was about 2 AM and I was very tired so I closed my eyes. I fell asleep and I had a dream that will had taken me back to my apartment. And he did the same thing that put me in the hospital but this time when he was done I ran. When I woke up I was in the bathroom on the floor and Emily was knocking.

She was saying " Jayje unlock the door please. Or just tell me what you need. Just please let me in. I unlocked the door and just hugged her and cried. She just sat there and held me.

She said " hey hey hey your safe now. I have you. He can't get to you. She sat down and held me in her lap as I cried. She held me against her chest so I could feel her heart beat.

I looked up and said " see I don't get why you do this. Why don't you just send me to a mental hospital and leave me there till I'm fine again. That's what my mom did after my sister died and that seemed to work pretty well.

Emily just stared at me. I tried to leave but she held me there. She held me tighter and I just cried more.

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