Time to Tell

349 6 9

6 months later

JJ'S pov

Emily and I have been dating for 6 months. We both both agreed that it was time to tell the team. I knew that dating another BAU member is against the rules. Emily didn't think about that, but I have a plan. We are telling the team today. Em and I got ready and drove to the FBI headquarters.

I walked into hotch's office and said," I resigne effective immediately." Hotch looked at me questioning what I had said. He asked why and I told him to wait until we gathered in the conference room. Just then Garcia opened the door and told us to go to the conference room.

We walked in I stood next to Emily and everyone sat down. Emily said "ok this may or may not be a shock but JJ and I are dating and we have been for 6 months."

Everyone was excited and Morgan said " about time prentiss."

I spoke up and said " I have resigned from the BAU I told hotch this morning. I know relationships are against the rules so I am moving to undercover operations." Everyone was surprised. They knew how much my job meant to me but I would do anything for Emily.

Emily said, " JJ I completely forgot. I'll leave I know how much your job means to you.

Hotch butted in and said," no neither of you are leaving. Emily you are one of the best profilers on the team and JJ you are great with family's and kids we couldn't do our jobs without you two. Believe me while JJ was in Paris we took longer on cases without you JJ. So no neither of you are leaving that is final. "

I hugged hotch and thanked him for letting us both stay on the team. As I was leaving the room hotch whispered " she's a keeper if she is willing to give up the most important thing to her for the girl she loves, " to Emily she smiled and said " yep she's a keeper and I am not planning to let her go." I turned around and smiled.

We didn't have a case that week so Garcia invited Em and I to a girls night at her place. She probably wanted to know more about our relationship.

Garcia's house

We arrived at Garcia's house at 9. We brought wine. When Garcia opened the door she welcomed us in she said "ok you two details now. First when"

I smiled and said " right after the party at Rossi's mansion for my return from Paris. I told Em to meet mt by the lake a mile from Rossi's. I went and sat on the dock and Em joined me. I turned to her and kissed her. She froze, I got scared and ran. She chased me down and I apologized then she kissed me. That's it."

"Wow, I am usually good at seeing who likes who but this I did not see. JJ you seem so straight. Like I never pictured you with a girl," Garcia said.

"Neither did I but thinking about it I have always loved women. I just was too blind to see it," i replied.

Emily said," I have always loved JJ and Morgan knew that, I'm surprised he didn't tell you Garcia."

We talked about the details of our relationship for the rest of the night and drank wine. We even called Morgan to ask if he could bring us more. He of course did. We went home at midnight. Em and I share an apartment now.

We got home and I change into my pajamas and laid down. I was tired. I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Emily came in and she looked at me like Will did. She looked at me angrily. She said" I see why Will couldn't deal with you. You are needy and you are selfish. You couldn't even sleep alone a year ago. I had to sit with you every night. Ugh why couldn't he have just killed you. I started screaming Emily's name.

Emily shook me awake. I scooted away from her. I looked at her with anger. She was confused.

I said " why would you say that."

She said " I didn't say anything."

I stared at her and said " yes you did you said that you understood why Will couldn't deal with me and that you wished that Will had killed me "

"Oh my god" she said. "It is a year since you almost died. You had a dream. That can happen with ptsd. You have a dream about someone you trust and they do something to hurt you in the dream." My face dropped. I scooted closer the Emily.

I said " it seemed so real. Not that you would say that, but I guess it was just normal for Will to say stuff to me." Emily held me for while. I fell asleep in Emily's arms. Emily didn't move she just set her head on my head and closed her eyes.

I woke up for work at 6 like normal. I woke Emily up. She looked at me like I was a hurt puppy.

" are you sure your fine JJ? It's ok to not be," she asked.

" yeah I'll be fine. I always am arn't. I mean we all have trauma and we just have to deal with it right. So why should I get to stay home and not go and help people, when I feel like I'm a burden on everyone.  Just get ready let's go."

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