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Emily's pov

All I could remember from last night was how hot jj looked and that one dude. I mean all I wanted to do last night was dance with jj. But she sat at the table and looked for suspects for most of the night. Until about 11. This one guy wouldn't leave me alone. Jj came over and was defending me. The guy asked if she was the one I was actually interested in. Jj said no but she hesitated. The answer was yes she was the one. Then she punched the guy. What? Jennifer Grace Jareau doesn't punch people. She took him down in one punch too. Now that was hot.

She is suspecting something I think. I don't know what but I need to tell her because I don't think I can keep it from her much longer. So I got dressed and I went over to her apartment and knocked. She didn't answer and the door was open. I drew my gun walked in. She was nowhere. Then I found a note it said

I knew this would get you two undercover it was the only way to. I needed to get to JJ again. But you watch her like a hawk. So this was my plan. I killed 20 women ten that look like you. Ten that look like my beloved JJ. All I had to do was have someone get you drunk. Well clearly you know who your unsub is it is. Now you just have to find me before I kill JJ.

- Will

No no no no! I called hotch. He met me at in jj's apartment. I showed him the note and he called the rest of the team. They met at the apartment. We talked about where her could've taken her. All I could think about was this was my fault. If I hadn't gotten so drunk I probably would have been awake to help her. Now she is going to die because of me. We had no idea where he could have taken her.

Why couldn't will have taken me JJ is probably terrified. I have to find her. I left without any one seeing me I just had to find her.


It was dark. I couldn't see anything. My body ached. As soon as I sat up I knew where i was. I was at my beach house. This was the place I had my first date with Will that is why he brought me here. I just hope the team and Emily can find me.

Will came in and he smiled. An evil smile. I was tied to a bed. I couldn't look at him. All I could say was is Emily ok? He was surprised.

He said" why do you care how that dyke is?"

I said" she is my best friend. That's why. He scoffed. He untied me from the bed. He picked me up and threw me against the wall. He started to kiss my neck. I told him to stop. He wouldn't. He started to take my clothes off. I tried to fight him but the tied me on top of the bed he continued to take my clothes off. He got on top of me and I winced in pain as he guided a blade across my breast. He wrote Will. He marked me his.

He continued to beat me. I think he was trying to beat me to death. He smiled the whole time. There was a knock at the door. I was relieved. He answered the door. It was Emily.

Will said "you are just in time for the finale." He walked over to me and stabbed me in the stomach with a wooden stake. He jumped out the window before Emily could shoot him.

She ran over to me. And held me and kept saying "stay with me jj your fine. I have you. The team and an ambulance is coming. Keep your eyes open please jj." The ambulance came and I passed out. Emily probably rode with me

Emily's pov

I couldn't get to her before he stabbed her. What if she dies I can't live with that. I sat in the ambulance and held her hand. We got to the hospital and jj was rushed into surgery. The whole team waited out in the waiting area for hours. At one point hotch got a call from the director of the FBI he left. A few hours later he came out of the same door as the doctor.

The doctor said" family of Jennifer Jareau. We stood up. The doctor explained that she lost a lot of blood and they weren't able to resuscitate her. I ran just ran. She's dead. I'll never get to tell her I love her I ran outside. It was raining. I didn't care. I was out there for about 2 hours before Reid found me.

He said "Emily you have to go inside your going to get sick.

I replied "no Reid I don't care if I get sick. If I do I know I won't die from it so. I'll be fine. So you can go back to the team and tell them I am great just fine." Reid left me alone he didn't want to but he did. I just sat there and cried until sun rise. I went home gathered the things from my apartment and moved it back to my old apartment. I have no idea what they did with jj's things.

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