The Club

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Emily's pov

I woke up and expected jj to be on the couch. She wasn't so I made breakfast and walked over to her apartment. I knocked twice and she didn't answer. I called her and heard her phone inside and she didn't answer the phone. Then I called out for her. No answer. I then used my key to get in. When I opened her door she was just sitting there. Her eyes were open. She just sat there like a toy doll. I shook her and she fell out of the trance or whatever was going on.

She looked like she hadn't slept for days. Her mind was not all there for a few minutes she spoke gibberish. Then she saw me and immediately apologized.

She said " oh Em I didn't see you there. Um did you need something."

She got up and she was fidgety. She walked to her kitchen and made coffee she offered me some.

We sat on the couch and I said," ok jj what is the problem. You left my apartment in the middle of the night. When I came over you didn't answer the door, your phone, or me calling for you. When I came in you were just sitting there staring at the wall. What happened?"

She answered " I don't know I just can't think straight.😉 I can't contemplate anything. It is like someone took my brain and switched everything nothing makes sense. I just need a little time."

I was confused what had made jj completely lose her mind. Was it something I did. Did she just not want to be around me? What happened?

We sat there a while. Then out of nowhere she jumped up and was herself. She asked me to call hotch and ask what we had to do today. He said that Garcia would send us a schedule of what we had to do each day. Today we had to go to a club. So jj happily walked to her bathroom got in the shower and told me to meet her outside for lunch. I don't understand her sometimes.

I was still worried about whatever happened with jj. But I got in the shower and met jj outside. We went to lunch and a movie. Well a couple movies until about 8 then we went to our apartments and changed into clothes for the club

JJ'S pov

Emily was for sure suspicious of my episode this morning. I didn't know what to tell her so I told her I didn't know what happened. I need to find out who this girl that she is head over heels in love with is.

I needed to stop worrying about Emily's suspicions and get ready for clubbing. I put on a red cropped top and some light ripped jeans. I did light makeup and I put my hair in a ponytail. I texted Emily that I would wait in the car for her. She texted back "ok😜". Emily loves her emojis I thought. I waited for 10 minutes. She always took longer than me to get ready.

I jokingly punched her and said "well finally somebody decides to show up. She punched me back and we laughed.

We got to the club and she took her jacket off. I couldn't look away from her she was wearing a lime green tube top and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans. God she looked amazing. You could see her belly button piercing. I hoped I didn't stare at her for too long.

I said " I'm going to get a drink. What do you want? "

She answered "I'll have a shot of whiskey. Thanks jayje"

I smiled and walked to the bar. I ordered our drinks and gave Emily hers. She took it and went off to dance I sat there and watched to look for suspects. But mostly I was watching Emily. Men and women were buying her shots. They all asked if she was single she said yes but I am not interested. Some men wouldn't leave her alone. This one man in particular kept buying her shots hoping he would get her drunk enough to go home with him. She told him she was a lesbian and all he said was well I bet I could turn you you straight.

I had enough of this. I walked over to him and I told him to leave her alone and she wasn't interested.

He said "and who might you be. Her the one she is actually interested in? "

I hesitated. "No, i said. I am her best friend and that means i do this when people harrass her. Then I punched him and put all my weight behind it.

He fell to the ground and said" you are so strong. How you are a girl."

I said "that is exactly why I am strong." He ran off with a bloody nose. I laughed and Emily laughed with me. I drove us home. At about midnight I only had that one drink. So I was fine. Just high off of adrenaline from punching that dude. Emily was completely drunk. I swear she drank like 20 shots. Mabye not that many but a lot plus other drinks.

We got to our apartments and I made sure Emily got into her apartment and to sleep. She fell asleep on her couch so I turned all the lights off in her apartment and went to mine.

Once again I thought about what would happen if I told Emily I loved her. It was all i could think about. I would have to tell her soon. I went to sleep and dreamed about a life together. Emily dreamt this same thing.

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