Do I Know Her Crush

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Emily's pov

I woke up and jj was sitting next to me fully ready for work and it wasn't even 6 yet. She brought me the breakfast she make and gave me a kiss on the temple. I wanted to just sit there all day and cuddle with JJ but I got up and got ready. We walked out to the car at 7. And we were off to work.

Jj turned to me and said "Morgan is going to have a field day with those hickeys you know."

I answered "yeah but I was too lazy to cover them."

Hotch told us we had a case. We were here in Quantico so we could stay at our apartments. I sat at my desk to finish paperwork for a case. Morgan came over. He noticed my new hickeys.

He said" I guess you date went well. I laughed.

I told him" I heard jj had someone over last night maybe she has a hickey."

"Oh I want to see it. He stared to rub of the makeup on my neck. She of course had one I wasn't going to be the only one that was teased by Morgan today.

He said" damn. I mean jj has a good one but Emily has five good ones. I want to meet this woman of yours.

I said " it is always a possibility you do know her. Just not everything about her. I looked at jj discreetly.

"Well I want to meet her or find out who she is soon or I will tell you know who you like them." He said.

I acted scared and said not to. I told him when she is ready to meet you guys I will show her off. I could see JJ smiling at her desk. It made me smile. She was so adorable. Morgan saw me watching her and laughed.

Jj walked over and said " I am 99.9% sure I know who Emily has a crush on ."

Morgan said "oh are you really that sure" as he winked at me.

"Oh yeah maybe even 100% sure." She said smiling at me.

"I am not sure you do know but ok" Morgan said. She did know. Morgan just didn't know that JJ was the first to admit it or that either of us had admitted it. Which was fun because jj could say all she wanted about who she thought my crush was and Morgan would tell her she didn't. I mean the whole BAU knew I was surprised I actually got to tell her.

JJ's pov

Morgan didn't believe that I knew who Em's crush was since it was me. I wanted to tell them I felt the same way as Emily but I was scared. Emily was ok with not telling them right away.

I told everyone that knew who Emily's crush was that I knew. They didn't believe me. I thought it was hilarious. They all said I didn't know who it was and that I would never be right.

We were working out of the Virginia state field office because the case was in Quantico. Emily and I were working on the geo profile. Reid and Hotch were at the M.E. Morgan and Rossi were talking to the victim's families. Emily did most of the work I stared at her the entire time. All I did was read her the information. I sat there and smiled. She is so hot when she is thinking I thought. She saw me staring at her. She gave me the what look. I said " you are just so hot when you are thinking." She laughed. I smiled and looked away shyly.

She said, I just can't figure out the third point for the profile. I got up.

I said, "let me see." I looked at the places were the girls were taken from and where their bodies were found. "I think the third point would be at the third victims dump site."

"Why would you think that, "she asked.

"Well, if you move the second point to the fourth victim's abduction site then all of the site fit in, "I said. She smiled

Emily said, God what would I do without you Jennifer?"

I chuckled and said " Well first you would have to find a new girlfriend. Then you would have to find a new job cause I save your ass 24/7."

"More like 23/6," she said.

Ok I said. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and left to get more coffee. I actually don't save her that much. She saves me in the field more and I save her in the profile more. It is even. The reason she is so hot when she thinks is because she does this thing where she bites her lip then licks them. Every time she does it it takes my breath away. I want to kiss her every time she does.

By the time I get back with the coffee Rossi and Morgan were back. They said that all of the girls waitressed at a restaurant. I looked at the geo profile and the restaurant was right in the middle. So now we know where he finds his victims. I called Garcia and told her to check out the staff at the restaurant. Emily and I went to interview the staff in person to ask if there was any regulars incase the unsub wasn't part of the staff.

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