Getting Out

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Jj's pov

I had been in the hospital for a week now. The whole team had come to visit. Em didn't say anything like she promised. No one but me and Emily knew the truth.

Since the team usually had cases it was mostly just me and Emily in the room. I also have no idea where will is but I really don't care. I had another nightmare and I woke up crying and Emily had gone to get coffee and I didn't know so I started crying out for Emily. She heard me and ran In and sat there and held me and i said "i thought you left me and will could find me because you weren't here.

She said I'm always here I won't leave again okay? I said ok.

I fell asleep with her holding me again. It seemed kind of weird but it was so comforting in her arms. I just couldn't help but sleep.

Emily's pov

Jj fell asleep in my arms again. She was so adorable when she was sleeping. I didn't mind not being able to move. She needed me and that is what mattered. Soon after that I fell asleep holding her. I woke up to Morgan take our picture.

I said "oh stop she needed somebody."

He asked where Will was and I told him I didn't know. The team couldn't know. She clearly didn't want me to know but I am glad I do because I can protect her.

When JJ woke up i was still holding her. When she noticed she said " oh sorry Em I'll move."

I told her "no it's fine if you are comfortable."

She said "but it can't be comfortable for you."

I told her "I don't care about me I care about you." She was trying to move but I saw the discomfort so I laid her back down and said " Jennifer I am fine you are not so lay back down."

"Or what" she replied.

"Or I will call Garcia and tell her you are getting worse". I told her.

"You would never" she gasped.

" Oh I would in fact let me get my phone out now" I said

She replied with " no please I'll lay down ok. I don't need more get well baskets. "

"Ok" I replied.

Jj's pov

Laying on Emily is way more comfortable than the hospital bed. Listening to the beat of her heart and the sound of her breath was so calming, but i still feel bad laying on Emily. She clearly wasn't comfortable but she was stubborn. I to am stubborn.

Just then I had remembered Emily had been with me the whole time and never got to do anything for her birthday.

So I said" Em, you should go celebrate your birthday. You haven't done anything for yourself. You have been with me the whole time."

She replied with " Jayje, I don't care about my birthday. You need me here with you more than I need to go do something for my birthday.

Once again I was out stubborned by Emily. So I lifted my hand up with all the strength I had and smacked her on the head. I just looked at her and smiled.

She said " now what was that for?"

I replied " for being more stubborn than me."

"Well save your energy because I will always win at the stubbornness contest" I said. She laughed and we talked for a while about what we will do when I get out. Just then I saw the team walking in and I saw Morgan give Emily a weird look.

Then Emily said" remember those Redskins tickets Derek got me?"

I said" yeah what about them?"

She said " well since I don't have anyone special if you would want to come with me?"

I said " yes, of course I would the Redskins are my favorite team. "

She said "that's why I asked you." Then Morgan winked at her. I thought it was weird but whatever.

6 days later

Finally I can leave. Emily got me my discharge papers. When the doctor came to sign them he said "you need someone with you for at least 2 more weeks. I didn't want to bother Emily anymore.I mean she already stayed with me in the hospital for 2 weeks. My Parents are all the way in Pennsylvania. I can't stay with hotch because it might scare jack. Morgan has Savannah. Reid has his mom. As much as I love Rossi's food I can't stay with him. I just didn't want to ask Emily.

Just then Emily said "if you want jayje you can stay with me. You won't bother Sergio or me.

I said " Em you have stayed with me the entire time at the hospital. Do you really want to deal with me every day for at least 2 weeks? I mean you would have to clean and dress my wounds. I might wake you up at ungodly hours of the night. You have to make double the food.

Emily stopped me there and said " "Jennifer Grace Jareau you will never be a bother to me. No matter what. I will take care of you if you are ok with that, ok?

I replied "fine but if I get too much for you to handle just boot me out I'll find somewhere.

She replied " ok but I won't need to do that. The doctor brought me my wheelchair and Emily pushed me to to her car.

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