What Happens Now

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JJ's pov

I was flown to Paris and was told what had happened and how we were going to proceed. I was going to be in protective custody until they caught Will. I had to be in Paris because he apparently now had contacts all over the world. I didn't know what to do all I wanted was to see Emily

6 months later

Emily's pov

We caught will finally. We never stopped looking. We brought him to Virginia state max. To await his trial. We went back to headquarters.Hotch gathered us in the conference room.

He said" six months a go I made a decision that effected this team." I turned around and I saw JJ.

I hugged her and said "but you died."

She said "no hotch faked my death." She went around hugging people and said she was sorry she couldn't tell us. We had a party that night for jj. I asked how she stayed sane.

She answered "well I kept up on all your cases and played scrabble with a girl named blackbird." She smiled as she said it.

"That was you. Your cheetobreath?" I said. She just smiled. God I love jj's smile. It had been so long since I saw it.i just smiled and hugged her again.

We partied all night at Rossi's mansion. At midnight jj left. I followed her to make sure she got home safe. She didn't go home though her apartment was still hers. But she kept on driving. I then got a text from her saying to meet her by the Trimtree Lake. I'm guessing that is where she was going I texted her that I was in the car behind her.

We got to the lake and we sat on the dock. She told me this is the first time she had been anywhere in public with out police personnel with her. I laughed. We sat there for a couple hours talking and catching up.

At the end jj turned to me and said," ok I know you won't tell me who this girl you are head over heels in love with is right". I nodded. "Ok then well I have wanted to do this for a long time now. She turned and kissed me. I just froze. So did she. She said I am sorry I shouldn't have done that then ran. I chased her and caught her before she got in her car.

She turned and said "Emily I'm sorry I know you love that one girl and you are my best friend I just shouldn't have done that.

I said" it's you jj.

She said "what?

The girl, the girl I never stop talking about. The one who I can't take my eyes off of. The stunning, blue eyed, blonde, golden skinned woman that I am head over heels in love with is you" I screamed.

"Wait what" she asked.

"Yeah. You are kind. You are brave. You are warm and comforting. You make me smile. Your smile melts my heart. It gives me butterflies. Your laugh is adorable and when I look into your eyes all i see is goodness" I said.

JJ'S pov

I couldn't say anything. Emily just poured her heart out to me. She actually loves me. Like actually loves me. I walked closer to her and kissed her again. This time she kissed me back. She bit by bottom lip and I let out a little moan. We made out by my car for like half an hour. We headed back to our apartments.

When I opened my door i heard Emily call my name i turned around and she said," how about tomorrow at 7 you meet me at Ryan's steakhouse."

I replied "is that Emily prentiss asking me on a date?"

She smiled and said "yes."

I said "ok whatever you want blackbird." And I closed my door. I smiled like an idiot when I closed the door. I have a date with Emily prentiss God's gift to women. Didn't know what to do. I mean I needed to sleep because we had work tomorrow. But for the first time in a long time I went to bed happy.

I woke up and got ready. It was still early so I ran to the donut shop and bought Emily and I donuts. We were going to carpool together again. Emily finally got to the car and I gave her her donut. She thanked me with a kiss on the cheek. My face got got hot. We got to headquarters and she got out and opened my door for me. We walked in and I had to go do paperwork to get my gun and badge back. After I was done I sat at my desk and did some other paper work. I saw Morgan go over to Emily. They started talking and then Morgan stopped he looked at her neck.

He said "jesus christ Emily what were you doing last night night. Better question who were you doing?"

Emily replied "nothing and I didn't do anyone last night. Emily then looked at me like she was threatening me. I almost laughed.

"Well someone happened last night and I want to know who it was.

I butted in and said "I know who it was and she had a date with her tonight."

Morgan begged me to tell him. I wouldn't. I just walked away to give hotch the paper work.

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