In the Feild

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Jj's pov

I woke up around 3 PM. I was still laying on Emily. I asked her if I was laying on her the whole day.

She said " yes but I am fine if you just want to lay there you can." So I did and we talked and talked about everything and acted like last night never happened. She made breakfast and I on the couch and watched TV while I ate. Then she came and sat next to me and we chilled for the day.

I am going back to work tomorrow and I can go in the feild again so what happened at headquarters will never happen again. I slept by myself for the first time in forever that night. Emily probably stayed up all night worried I would lock myself in the bathroom again. Anyway I was ready to be in the field. So the next day I had my ready bag and we were wheels up in 30.

Emily's pov

I sat with Morgan on the plane. He said" so you weren't at work yesterday and neither was blondie.

"No Morgan we did not she just needed me yesterday and I was there for her.

"You tell her you love her yet" he said.

" no she won't like me back I know it and she just signed the divorce papers with will so she is not ready for a relationship with anyone yet."

" well you sure do know a lot about her and her feelings and she doesn't share her feeling that often." He said. He had a point I just couldn't risk loosing my friend.

Jj's pov

"So reid how has your life been it's been forever since I have seen you" i said.

He replied " it's good um how are you doing with everything?"

"I am doing better I have had better days but I am well" I said.

" that is good" he replied.

Yeah I said. After that I decided to go get coffee in the back of the plane I walk back there and Morgan is laughing at Emily and Emily looks embarrassed. I ask what is happening and she is quick to answer, nothing she says. Morgan practically yells, Emily has a crush on someone.

" Emily looks him dead in the eyes and slaps him.

"Oh do tell" I say.

Emily said " fine but no judging."

"I won't " I said.

Emily said," ok so she is about 5'7, she has blonde hair and golden skin. She is gorgeous. When I see her I just can't stop staring.

"Aww!! If you ever tell her she'll be the luckiest girl in the world Em."

"Really that lucky" Morgan said winking at Emily.

"I bet" I replied.

" well maybe someday I'll tell her" she said chuckling.

When she described the woman a weird feeling came over me almost like jealousy. Like I wanted all of Emily's attention. Like how it is now but I don't like Emily like that. I am straight. I could never like a woman.

Emily's pov

I literally just described JJ to JJ and she didn't know. The whole team probably knows I like JJ now. Everyone knows I like JJ except jj. She is so oblivious sometimes and other times she notices everything. That's one of the things I love about jj. I think I stared at her for the rest of the flight as she read her book. She sat there and talked to reid about the book. He gave her a load of nonsense facts about the book and the author. Her laugh is adorable. I just smiled and looked at her.

The case took us 2 weeks and JJ didn't have a nightmare the whole time.

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