Rough Night

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Emily's pov

I can't believe jj's mom did that and also I didn't know she had a sister. That doesn't matter what matters is how JJ's mom would do that to her.

Oh your daughter hasn't got over her sister's death so you send her away. That is not right.

I told JJ " I would never do that. Because that wouldn't help and I can handle the screaming and crying and the anger and everything that you come with because the day I became your best friend I signed up for that."

That isn't what I really wanted to say. What I wanted to say was. JJ I would do anything for you. I love you and it's fine if you don't love me back. I will always love you that is why I do this. To me it is not a bother nothing you can do will bother me because all I see is good and love when I look at you. Right now you are questioning good and love so my job is to help you find someone who will make you believe in good and love again and I wish it was me.

Honestly I think we sat on the floor for hours. I just held her and she cried. I had never seen her this emotional. I didn't judge her because she was almost beat to death. But it's jj she doesn't cry. I wanted to know what happened to her sister because that seemed to be why she was crying so much she just said "why roslyn why". I could guess what happened but I wasn't sure so I tried.

I said " hey jj what happened with you sister wasn't your fault.

" but it was I should have seen it,she said shakily. I could have saved her. But stupid soccer practice kept me late and when I came home that's when I found her. I mean I was 11 but still.

My hunch was right. I said" jj you were 11 there was nothing you could do. Your sister's choices were hers.

"But if practice got out on time I could have done something." She said.

"No jj you couldn't" I assured her.

Jj's pov

Now she is really going to put me in a mental hospital. We sat there I stopped crying. But I couldn't get up I just couldn't. She sat there on the bathroom floor with me in her lap like a child. I was embarrassed but I couldn't move. I was in shock of what I don't know. All I could say was I can't move. And instead of just pushing me off and leaving she just picked me up and put me on her bed and tucked me in like a literal child. Normally I would be offended if someone treated me like a child. But with Emily it made me feel loved. Like someone gave a damn if I was alive or not. She sat beside me and told me to breath.

I said" this might be a weird question and you can say no but can I just feel the beat of your heart? Like put my head to you and just feel it beat.

She gave me a soft smile and said" sure".

She laid down and I just put head on her chest and I fell asleep. This is when I started to realize Emily means more to me than anyone ever.

Emily's pov

I realized that JJ had fallen asleep to the sound of my heart again. It was about 7 AM. I reached over to grab my phone and call hotch.

I said" hey hotch JJ had a really bad night last night. She finally fell asleep and I was wondering if I could just stay with her today?

Hotch replied " of course Emily anything you and jj need. I thanked him and hung up. I looked at JJ and smiled.

I whispered " God I wish you loved me like I love you."

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