The Hospital

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Emily's pov

I woke up the next day to my phone ringing. It was jj. I answered, hey uh what's up. The person on the other side said is this Emily? I answered yes and you are? I am Dr. Martin at Virginia state hospital you are Jennifer Jareau's emergency contact. My heart dropped. Why was jj in the hospital? What happened I asked the doctor. He said just come to the hospital and I will explain.

I rushed over to the hospital and told hotch that I would be late and that jj was in the hospital. Hotch sounded worried. I told him to focus on the case and I will update them on jj. I got to the hospital and practically ran inside and was told that she had been beaten, robbed, and sexually assaulted. It didn't make sense how she was beaten in he own home by a stranger when she had a gun. This furthered my suspicion of Will.

I walked into jj's room and she was sleeping so I didn't wake her. I still couldn't believe that she was beaten this bad. I mean she looked beautiful even though she was bruised and beaten. So I sat there for hours waiting for her to wake up I updated the team every hour.

Around hour 4 she started whispering then yelling. She yelled "No Will please not tonight I have work tomorrow. Please just not tonight. I am sorry I was late please no punishment.

It was then that I knew it was Will. The doctors gave her medicine to calm her but she didn't wake. I didn't tell the team about her nightmare and Will. Around 3 PM she woke up. She saw me and said "Em why are you-. Where am I?"

"I said you are in the hospital you called an ambulance last night and apparently I am your emergency contact. I asked her where will was.

Jj's pov

I thought great Emily is seeing me like this. She shouldn't see me like this I am gross and bloody and I just hope she believes my robbed and beaten story. But when Will's name came up u shuddered. I hoped Em didn't notice, but she was a profiler.

I told her that she should go get me discharge papers so I can go home.

She said " If you can sit up I will. I tried and tried but my whole body hurt. I kept trying after a few tries I let out a scream of pain. Emily quickly ran over to my bed and sat down and put my head in her lap. My body relaxed and hurt less. Her body heat was calming. She just sat there and held my head and it felt so nice to have someone care about me I just fell back to sleep.

Emily's pov

Jj was asleep in my lap. I didn't want to move she looked so peaceful. I called Hotch quietly so as to not wake her and told him jj needs a few days in the hospital and i asked if i could stay there with jj for those couple days. Hotch of course said yes.

Then it happened again jj started screaming for will to stop and that she would do anything for him. This time she woke up and I just said "hey uh it's ok your safe he can't hurt you. I have you your fine I'll protect you.

She looked at me and said "you know the truth don't you?

I said yes but I won't tell the team. She calmed back down and put her head in my lap again and fell back to sleep

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