The Party

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Jj's pov

Today is October 12 Emily's birthday. It's our day off so I decided to throw a party for her. But first I have to find a present for her. She was amazing. She didn't take shit from anyone. She was a badass. She was gorgeous, I mean how does she not have a girlfriend already. Did I forget to mention she was a lesbian. God I mean she is just the best person ever. So I need to get her the perfect gift. I spent the entire morning looking through store after store. Finally I found this breathtaking dress it was red with gold lining.

I bought it wrapped it in a box and started to collect the items for the party. First I needed a cake or in this  case a pie. I went to the local bakery and ordered a Boston cream pie. It was her favorite dessert. Then I went to the grocery store to get the ingredients for Rossi to cook. I also picked up the best bottle of wine I could find. Then I set for Rossi's mansion. That is where the party was going to be held.

The guests started to arrive one at a time first hotch, then Morgan, next Garcia, after that reid came then the guest of honor Emily arrived. Rossi had the food prepared when she got there. We ate then did presents. Hotch  bought her a watch since she was almost always late. Rossi got her an expensive bottle of wine. Garcia got her a coffee mug that said "badass". I totally agreed. Morgan got her a two tickets to a Redskins game. I loved the Redskins, but Emily didn't like them as much and It was weird he gave her two but any way. Reid got her a new collection of books. Then finally my present. She opened it and her face lit up.

She said "OMG I love it, it is gorgeous. Thank you jj."

Then we ate the pie. I swear she ate half the thing herself. The night was coming to an end. Em was drunk and out of control. I volunteered to take her home since I was the only one who knew where she lived.
I drove her home and she asked me to stay with her so she didn't do anything stupid. I told her I could and will was waiting for me. She understood and thanked me again for the dress and the party. I left. Will was my husband he didn't like it when I got home late.

Emily's pov

JJ threw me an amazing party. God I love her but she has a husband. I have loved her since I first saw her. I knew what morgan was getting at when he gave me the redskin tickets. JJ's favorite team is the Redskins. Of course I am going to invite her but as a friend because will is very protective of jj and he knows I am a lesbian. So he doesn't like me around jj alone, but if you are best friends you are together 24/7. Anyways will always seemed off. He doesn't go out in public with JJ. And sometimes jj comes into work with bruises or a limp. Sometimes JJ would call in "sick". She never was sick. If she had a fever, was coughing, sneezing, almost like dying she would still come to work. I think he abuses her but I have no proof and I know JJ wouldn't admit it she is too strong to show "weakness". But it's not weak. Its brave but JJ knows that so maybe I am just seeing things the wrong way but I don't think so.

Jj's pov

I tried to get in the house without making a noise, hoping Will was asleep. He wasn't.

He said " Jennifer what have I said about staying out late?"

I knew what he meant. He meant that if I came home late and he wasn't sleeping he got to do what he wanted with me. He called out and said to come upstairs and he would decide what to do with me.

When I entered the room he said " what was it this time? Hmm? Oh right it was that dyke's birthday. Emily's her name right? "

" don't call her that" I told him.

"Oh right she is your bestie and you do everything together. Well since this is the 6 week in a row you have been late at least once a week I will show no mercy in the punishment tonight. He then started to rip my clothes off and force himself inside me. I couldn't do anything. I asked him to stop and told him I would do my best to be home more often. Every time I spoke he forced more and more and started to punch and scratch me. He was finished after what felt like an eternity. He left the room. He had never been this harsh before what was his problem? I could barely move. He entered the room but this time he had a belt.

He said " oh you think we are done. You must be mistaken. Then he proceeded to hit the belt across my stomach and back. He did this until I  stopped screaming I had nothing left in me to scream.

He then said" well this should show you how to not be a bad wife. Mabye your next husband will put up with you because we are done. He got his things and left. I was relieved until I remember I could barely move. I got to my phone and called a ambulance and told them I had been robbed. No one can know the truth.

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