Emily's Apartment

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Emily's pov

I drove JJ to my apartment. I only had one bedroom so I told jj to take the bedroom. She was hesitant but she finally agreed. We stayed up until like 11 drinking wine and telling funny stories about each other and the team. Finally I showed jj where my room was. She had jeans and a buttoned shirt on.

She said" Em I am sorry to bother you but can we go to my apartment so I can get some clothes?

I told her " you can just borrow some of mine. What do you want? Shorts, pants, tank top, long sleeve, short sleeve?

She answered" pants and a short sleeve please."

I replied " ok I handed her the clothes and walked towards the door.

The JJ said " Em?

I said " what jj. "

"Um I was wondering if you could help me put my pjs on," she said.

I said "of course jj that's why I am here." I tried to take her shirt off but she flinched. I knew It wasn't pain.

I stopped unbuttoning her shirt and told her how about you un button the shirt and I'll do the rest ok? She agreed.

She unbuttoned her shirt and when I took it off i saw her golden skin with perfect abs. But then I saw the scars from the belt. I helped her put the shirt on and then the pants. I told her I would be in the front room on the couch if she needed anything and I mean anything come get me. I left the room and laid on the couch and fell asleep.

At about 3 in the morning I heard screams. I ran to my room and woke jj up. She was screaming for will to stop. When she woke up she apologized. I told her it was no worry.

I went to get up but she grabbed my arm I turned around and she said" Em can you stay in here tonight? You can say no I just feel safer when I know you are there."

I told her " of course." She scooted over and I laid down she fell back to sleep and I started to. Then she screamed and held onto me. I just sat there and stroked her hair. I never went back to sleep but that was ok as long as JJ felt safe I was fine. I got up to make breakfast around 9. Hotch gave jj as long as she needed and gave me as long as Jj needed me. I cooked chocolate chip pancakes and cheese eggs for breakfast. That was jj's favorite. She woke up around 10.

Jj's pov

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I looked around and then I saw Emily standing at the door with food. She walked in and sat on the bed and gave me the plate. There was chocolate chip pancakes and cheese eggs.

" It's my favorite" I exclaimed. I ate the food as fast as I could then I tried to get up to get more but it hurt so bad. I got up too fast. Emily got up and brought the whole plate of pancakes into her room. I thanked her then I ate the whole plate of them. I hadn't had good food in 2 weeks. Then I realized Emily might not have eaten. I apologized and told her I would go make more. She said she had eaten already. I knew she didn't eat but she would eventually.

I asked " what are we doing today?"

Emily said "well let's see If you can walk first." I slowly got up and walked around and showed her that I could walk I just had to get up and sit down slowly.

She said well the Redskins game is tonight and if you still want to go we can. If now I can give the tickets to someone else.

I said " yes I still want to go."

"Ok, she said we will go then. How about we watch a movie until we need to go."

"Alright" I said. We watched the third iron man movie. And ate lunch at a small cafe. We were there for hours just talking. Then it was 6 we left for the stadium. Morgan bought seats right on the side lines. Emily and I had an amazing time. It was so exciting. After the game we got icecream. After we ate our ice cream we went back to Emily's apartment. Emily went to her room to change. I had no idea she was in there so I opened the door. Emily was standing there only in her black lace bra and and matching underwear. She looked so hot. I stood there staring at her for a minute then apologized for barging in on her.

She said " Jayje your fine here I set you out some clothes and tomorrow we can go to your apartment and get your clothes.

" thanks" I said. I wondered why I stared at her for so long.

Anyway I asked if Emily would just sit on the bed until I fell asleep. She said that she would. This time I fell asleep right next to her. When I woke up she was still asleep and I was snuggled against her and was holding onto her for dear life. It made me feel safe to have her there with me. Safer than I had ever felt with Will.

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