Chapter Three

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The next day, I got Alice all dressed and ready around noon to head to the airport to pick up her mother and aunt Val. She was excited because she missed her mommy. In way, I was excited, but nerves because I knew something. Something I didn't want to share with her and knowing her, she will try to find out.

"Daddy! Where's mommy?" Alice said, yanking on my hand as we walked into the airport.

I held up my finger on my lips to shush her. I held onto her hand tight, then continued more into the airport.

As we approached the stairs from the flight gates, I picked Alice up and checked the flight board. Her flight said it was landed and un boarding, so it was only moments till she walked down those steps.

Sure enough, she came walking down with Val behind her. She never looked so beautiful. It was like the first time I laid eyes on her.

"My babies! I missed you!" She said running up to us, throwing her arms around both us.

I felt her lips touch mine as I handed off Alice to her, "did you have fun?"

"Oh you know it!" She said smiling at our daughter.

I looked over at Val and she hugged me. I gave her a shocking look and it's like she read my face. She knew, I saw her sister, either by my face or from her sister herself.

After we got home from the airport, I listened to Cyndy talk about her trip and Val's cousins wedding. I sat in the living room watching Alice play and checking my phone constantly.

"Brian." Cyndy said walking out of our room.

I slightly jumped and looked at her.

"Why do you keep looking at your phone? You've been on edge ever since I came back?" She asked worried.

I laughed, "I'm waiting for Matt to call. He said he's got some news about the game that might include me."

She nodded her head then went into the kitchen.

I looked down at Alice playing and couldn't ever imagine her being someone else's. I loved her. I wanted her to have a brother or hell, even another sister, but not because of a stupid mistake I made before I got with her mom.

I jumped at the vibration of my phone going off from a text from Matt. I checked it to see what it said.

'See if you can't come over. Val wants to talk to you, about, you know.'

I threw my head back and ran ideas threw my head of how to get over to Matt's without bringing Cyndy.

"Hey babe." I said as I got up and went into the kitchen, "Matt asked me to come over and drink a few beers as we went over the gaming details."

She pouted at me and placed her hands on my chest, "but I missed you!"

"I know you did." I said taking one of her hands and kissed it, "I missed you too."

She sighed, "does Val WANNA down time with Matt?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess not."

She rolled her eyes and walked to the sink.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck, "If you want, I'll talk to Arin tomorrow and see if he will baby sit Alice so we can have time together."

She turned to face me, but she wasn't happy, "Go to Matt's. I can't believe you don't even wanna spend time with your daughter as well."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the six pack from the fridge, "I will."

She flipped me off as I walked out of the kitchen and toward the door.

"Daddy, where you going?" Alice asked me.

I looked toward the kitchen then down at her. I knelt down and motioned for her to come to me.

She smiled and ran into my arms as I hugged her.

"Im going to uncle Matts, but tomorrow, daddy is taking you and mommy on a trip." I told her quietly.

Her face lit up, "where we going daddy?!"

I smiled, "you'll see. When I leave tell mommy to pack that tomorrow morning were all going somewhere okay?"

She nodded her and ran back in the living room and I went out the door to walk to Matt's.

The whole walk, I put together in my head, I would take Cyndy back to her home state so Alice could see the Mountains and snow for the first time.

"Dude." Matt said opening the door, "Val told me everything."

I took a deep breath and followed him into the house than sat in the couch across from Val.

"Brian," She said looking up at me, heart broken, "I'm sorry."

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now