Chapter Ten

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I woke up the next morning, wrapped in a big blanket on the floor in my living room. I had my wife laying on my baer cheast, fast asleep. I heard crying coming from a room down the hall that was my daughters. I grabbed my shorts off the couch, quickly putting them on, then rushed to my daughters room.

"Alice! Whats wrong love?" I asked, sitting on her bedside.

She jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I had a nightmare."

I petted her head, "Its okay, daddys here."

She let go of my neck, and rested her forehead against mine, "Promise?"

I gave her a funny look, then kissed her cheek, "I always am."

She laid back down on her bed and pulled me down with her.

"What did you dream about baby?" I asked her, wrapping my arms around her.

She messed with my fingers, not saying anything.

"Alice." I said making her look at me, "You can tell me."

She sighed, "You left."

"I left?" I asked clueless.

She nodded her head, "You left me and mommy."

I hugged her tight, "I will never leave you two."

I laid there, waiting for to fall back asleep. Finally, she did, but I stayed there. I didnt want to leave her side. I really hated that she dreamed I left her and Cyndy. I couldnt bare to do that to her. It ate at me inside. What would have made her dream of that? Jayden? I had no idea, but I hope she didnt feel left out when I get Jayden.

"Brian." Cyndy said leaning in the doorway, popping my out of my thoughts.

I looked up at her and smiled at the sight. She was wrapped in the cover we were laying on.

"Yes?" I asked her.

She laughed and shook her head, "You need to call a laywer."

I sighed and got out of Alice's bed, slowly.

Cyndy followed me, handing me the phone, then went to our room to change.

I looked up the number to the lawyer my dad used and called him up explaining everything. He asked me to meet him as soon as I could and bring anyone that could help, so  I called Val. She agreed to come with me and Cyndy to get things seattled.

"Thank you." I told Val as she got in the car.

She sat next to Alice and smiled, "Your welcome."

"You really are going to help take your sisters son from her?" Cyndy asked Val.

She nodded her head, "Mich complains about having him. She cant go out and get drunk like she wants. She regrets him, so if you want him, its better for him."

I shook my head in disbelief.

Why would Michelle want to keep him from me if she didnt want him? Just to make me mad? It made mad thinking about how she was handling all this. I just hopped, with Vals help, I could get Jayden to myself. Let him have a chance and a freash start.

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now