Chapter Eight

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Two days later, we were finally backing in Huntington. Matt picked us up and took us to my place. He hung out for a bit, had lunch, then went back to his place with Alice.

"I can't believe she's gunna stay all night at Matt and Vals!" Cyndy whined.

I laughed and kissed her, "She will be fine. Not like she hasn't stayed before."

"True." She mumbled.

I leaned against the counter and looked my wife up and down. Trying to find the words to say.

"Whats on your mind Brian?" She asked looking at me funny.

I ran my hand threw my hair and sighed, "Theres something, I need to tell you."

"Brian.." She said with a tone of heart break, "You didnt.. cheat while I was gone did you?"

I grabbed her hands softly and shook my head no, "Never! Never would I think about ever doing that. Let alone doing it."

"Then what is it?" She said, jerking her arms from me with force, "It has to do with Michelle moving back to town, doesnt it? What does she want?"

I looked at the ground for a long minute, frozen. I couldnt speak. I couldnt bare to tell her. It was like I betrayed her all those years ago.

She shoved me against the fridge and glared at me, gazign into my eyes, "Tell me, right now Brian."

I grabbed her arms and nodded my head, "You remember that night, on the bus, when I brought you home with me for the first time? Our last show of the run and Michelle showed up?"

She let me go and crossed her arms, nodding her head.

"Apperently, she was suppose to tell me something." I said shakey, "S- something important."

Cyndy nodded her head, "Go on."

"You know how Matt said she had a son, but didnt know the father?" I asked.

Her eyes got wide and she covered her mouth.

"Cyn, I saw her at the part when I took Alice the day you left. I saw the kid. He, looked like me." I mummled, "I talked to Matt about it after I left the part, then Val came clean when you guys got back."

She shook her head in disbelief.

"That day I went over there? Just before we left to Tennessee? Val told me everything and Michelle even came over, without my knowalge, cause Val invited her before I got there." I quickly told her, "She wanted me to meet him. Meet, my son. and I did."

Tears feel from Cyndy's eyes once I let out the truth. She kept shaking her head, like she didnt want to believe it. I didnt even want to believe it.

"Why?" She blurted out threw tears, "Why her?!"

I wrapped my arms around her, "It was a mistake."

She tried pushing me away, but I wouldnt let her go, "Cyn, please, dont make this worse."

"Brian!" She yelled as I finally let her go, "You slept with her!"

"Before we got together! It was when I came back from that first tour where I met you and didnt bring you back. She forced herself on me!"  I yelled.

She shook her head, "You said, you loved me!"

"I did! But how was I suppose to know I would find you again? I didnt stay with her after that. I avoided her like the plegue after that night." I confessed, "I wanted you, so bad. I felt so guilty."

"I cant believe this!" She said as if flames were in her eyes, "I loved you!"

That word. 'Loved'. Past tenese.

"Loved? Do you not still? Even know I have a son with Michelle?" I asked, kind of heart broken.

She rolled her eyes, "Of course I love you Brian! I love you more then anything, I'm just pissed off and hurt right now! I cant believe I didnt even know you slept with her, let ago, gave her a son! Your first child, was with her!"

"Cyndy, baby, please." I begged, "I think this is crazy. I really do."

She sighed and just looked at me, calming herself down for a momment.

I just looked at her, waiting on what to say or do next.

"Do you love me?" She asked after a good twenty minutes of silence.

I nodded my head, "More then anything."

"Do you love Alice?" She asked.

"I'd die for her. I'd do anything for her. I love my daughter." I said serious.

She looked at the ground, then back at me, "Do you want your son? Do you want to deal with Michelle in your life?"

"I do wnat my son, but I want him to be yours, not hers." I told her, "I dont want Michelle in my life, what so ever. Just you our my kids."

She sighed and shook her head, "Well, it cant happen like that, you know that."

"I know." I said starring at the ground.

"What are you going to do?" She flat out asked me.

I sighed, "Well, Matt told me just before we came back, that Michelle is demaned chil support or forcing visting rights."

Her jaw dropped.

"Babe?" I said looking at her, waiting for words.

She shook her head, "I cant Brian. I- I dont want this."

"Dont want what?" I asked as I pinned her in the corner of the counters so she couldnt walk away, like I knew she wanted to.

She glared at me, "I dont want a broken family.  I dont want Michelle in our lives. I dont want you giving her money! Thats all shes ever done and that all she will ever do if you give in to that. I also, dont want to be the one to keep you from seeing your son."

I rested my head on her shoulder, "Cyn, please."

She rested her hand on the back of my head, "Brian, I need. I need to think about this."

I slightyl raised up, inches from her face, with tears pouring down my cheeks, "You're not leaving me, are you?"

She sighed, "I dont know. I dont want to."

"Please, dont. Dont take Alice from me." I begged her.

She shook her head, "I'm going to a friends. If you really want to keep Alice, go get her from Matt's."

"Baby." I said helpless as I let her walk past me, "Please, dont go."

She shook her head and grabbed her jacket, then walked out the door.

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now