Chapter Nine

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Once Cyndy had left. I stood there. Shocked in disbelief that my wife just walked out. We havent really ever fought that bad, so it had me worried. Scared. I didnt want her to leave. I loved her. More then life. I didnt know what to do. But I knew, right now, I had to go get my daughter.

"Dude are you okay?" Matt asked me as he opened his door.

I shook my head no and whipped my face.

Matt shook his head and let me in.

"Wheres Alice?" I asked looking at Matt as we walked into the living room.

He crossed her arms and looked at me, "Game room with River, but first, what happened?"

"I told her. Everything." I said running my hand threw my hair, "We fought, pretty bad. She split a few minutes ago."

"Did she say where?" He asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders, "A friend? I dont know, but she said if I wanted to keep Alice, to go get her and spend as much time with her as I can."

"Wow dude. Im sorry." He said as he took me to the game room.

I looked at Alice, laying in the bean-bag chair, watching River play COD. I walked over behind her and knelt down.

"Daddy!" She smiled reaching for me.

I smiled back at her and picked her up.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tight.

"Am I going home?" She asked me.

I nodded my head and went into the living room.

"Are you sure you wanna go home?" Val asked leaning on Matt.

"Yea, I just want it to be me and her." I said walking toward the door.

Val rushed over and opened the door for me, "Good luck."

"Thanks." I said as I started back to my house.

"Daddy." Alice mummled with sleep in her voice, "Why are we going home?"

I sighed, "I missed you."

"Is mommy home?" She asked.

"No." I said sadly.

Aliced hugged me tighter, "Where she go?"

"She had, some things to take care of." I told her.

I heard her yawn and relax a bit.

As I walked into the house, Alice was out cold. I sat on the corner of the couch in the living room with Alice in my arms. She slightly opened her eyes to look at me, then curled up close to my chest. I pulled a cover off the back of the couch and covered both of us up. 

"Daddy." She mummled with her eyes still closed, "I love you."

I fought back tears and kissed her head, running my head threw he hair, "I love you too Alice."

She slightly smiled and clutched onto my shirt.

I leaned on the chair arm and laid on my side, on the couch, holding Alice close, watching her sleep.

I loved my daughter. She was my angel. My light. My whole world. I didnt want anyone to take her from me. Not Matt, not Val, not even Cyndy. I wanted to be in my little girls life, so bad. I couldnt bare to loose her. I had to talk to Cyndy when she calmed down. I am not about to let my wife walk out of me, taking my child with her.

The next morning, I woke up to the front door opening. I quickly looked over the back of the couch and  Cyndy walked into the kitchen. I slowly scooted out of Alice's grib and pushed her toward the back of the couch. She yawned and buried her face in the back of the couch. I tucked the blanket around her and surrounded her by pillowed, then went toward kitchen.

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now