Chapter Nineteen

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I sat in jail for four days. The third day, they caught the guy. Finally. He had killed one more girl and had another kidnapped while I was in here. Thankfully, they saved the girl that was missing just in time. I saw them bring him in and he looked dead at me. Like he knew, I was the one Michelle tried to blame. And the fourth day, when I was released, he did not look happy when they took me from my cell.

"Do you have a ride?" Agent Rossie asked me as we walked down the hall from the cells, to the lobby.

I shurgged, "I guess not, unless you told me wife or friends that I was getting released."

Rossi laughed, "I didnt, I thought it would be a good surprise to them."

"Shit, well, how am I getting home?" I asked as we entered the room with all the other agents.

He threw his arm around my shoulder, "I'll take you home personally."

I nodded my head, "Thank you. Thank you for believing me and getting me out."

"Dont just thank me, thank my whole team." He said looking at teh rest of the agents.

I nodded my head to all them, "Thank you all."

They all told me they were welcome and I started to follow the black agent, Morgan, and Rossi to a car, but I stopped and looked at Agent Reid.

"I want to thank you speically." I told him.

He looked at me confused and started to say something, but I stopped him.

"For being there for my wife, when I obviously couldnt." I told him.

He smiled, "It was really no problem. Shes a sweet lady."

I laughed, "You havent really met her yet."

He looked at me confused again and I just shook my head going out the door with Rossi and Morgan.

The drive to Matt's wasnt far from the station. We had a short conversation about the case and about life in general when they pulled up in front of Matt. Agent Rossi turned on the sirens as I got out of the door. Him and Agent Morgan got out of the car as well. I looked at the house and saw my little girl busting out the door past her mother and right into my arms.

"I missed you!" I yelled, hugging her.

Jayden came running out next and I picked him up, hugging him too.

"Whats the noise?" Alice asked looking at me.

Agent Morgan walked up to us, "Its the car. Would you like to see it?"

Alice nodded her head excited.

"May?" Morgan asked me.

I nodded my head and handed him Alice as he showed her how the sirens in the car worked.

"Can I ride in it?" Jayden asked me.

I looked at Agent Rossi for an answer.

He nodded his head, "Sure why not, get in."

I sat Jayden down and he climbed in the back with Alice.

River and Owen bolted out of the house and crawled into the car with them.

I watched at the Agents drove off and went aroudn the block with my kids.

"Look at my bad boy husband getting out of jail and all." Cyndy said walking up to me.

I turned to her and picked her up bridal style and kissed her, "You have no idea, how bad I missed you."

She laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck, "You dont know how bad I missed you."

I laughed and sat her down, wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Feels godo to be out doesnt it?" Matt asked me coming out side with Val.

I looked up at the sky and let the warmth sink it, then looked at Matt laughing, "You best believe it dude."

"Cyndy told us the news." Val said nudging me.

I shook my head at Cyndy, "Couldnt wait to tell everyone could you?"

"Congrats dude." Matt told me patting my back.

"Thanks, I cant wait." I told him as the Agents pulled back up and the kids rushed otu of the car.

Rossi got back out of the car and waved me over to him.

I left Cyndy and went over to him.

"You got a good family." Rossi told me.

I nodded my head and looked at Agent Morgan sitting on the grass talking to the boys, with Alice in his lap.

"Stay out of trouble, okay?" He said looking at me.

I laughed, "I'll try."

"I dont want to have to come pick you up again." He said patting my back.

"Me and you both." I told him.

He laughed and waved Morgan over, "Come on, we have a flight to catch."

I walked back  over to Cyndy and kissed her.

"You excited?" She asked me, looking at her stomach.

I nodded my head, "Even have a boy name picked out."

She shook her head, "Oh god what is it?"

"Brian Elwin Haner III." I told her proudly.

She leaned on me and nodded her head, "I love it."

I kissed her head and watched my kids play with Matts kids in the front yard.

I was so glad, all this was over. I couldnt finally be with my family, without any worries. I was excited to have my third child. Which I hopped would be my second son. I couldnt wait to find out. I couldnt wait for the journy this would be. I couldnt wait to take my kids out on the road as soon as we get a tour. To spend it with my family. All the tension with Michelle and Jayden. Being arrested, is finally, gone.

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now